“I swear that will never happen again. I’ve learnt from my mistake.”
“Let’s hope. How is the Seth situation going?”
“It’s going. I have a guy working right now.”
He narrows his eyes. “What are you doing in the meantime, then?”
“What does it matter? I’m handling things!” I yell, getting pissed the more I talk to him.
He closes the gap between us, griping my shirt in his hand. “Watch your tone with mefiglio, or I’ll put you in your place.” He releases me roughly, as I stumble backwards. Tony moves closer. I hold my hand up halting his move.
“Ya, I got it.”
He doesn’t say anything after, just walks out. I straighten my shirt out, trying to calm myself down. I’m surprised he doesn’t out right blame me for everything.
“I mean this with everything, but your dad’s a real asshole.”
“Well, it could be worse, right?”
Antonio's dad was the worst of them all. The only thing that saved him was that his dad was in prison. I don’t think he would be alive if his dad was out. He was pure evil if I ever seen it. That’s saying something considering what I see daily.
“We better get the guys and call Benny. I need more information. Speed this shit up,” I ordered.
Antonio hauls out his phone and starts texting. We make our way back to my office. The rat is still causing me problems, but I’m narrowing it down. I blame myself for leaving it for so long. But having body parts getting delivered pushes everything to the back burner. I should’ve resolved this fucking weeks ago. I’ll place Nico on it. He thrives on this sort of thing.
By the time the guys showed up, I was already losing my shit. Benny called and told me he lost sight of Seth. Not the news I wanted to fucking hear right now. I have too much riding on this, so now I have to go out looking for him. What a goddamn shit show this is turning out to be.
“Looks like we're going hunting, boys. Seth is MIA.”
Nico lets out a loud whoop while Rett sits there in silence. His silence speaks louder than words. Violence is running through his mind.
“What’s the plan?” Antonio finally asked.
“We walk the streets, track that animal down.”
It’s been two days and we haven’t seen hide nor hair of Seth. That fuckingfigais hiding like a coward. The only thing left to do is to barge into his territory. Looks like that’s what I’m about to bring down to the Atwood gang. Rolling up to this side of the shady neighbourhood, everyone in the SUV is quiet. After pulling into the empty lot, we park. The pavement is cracked with weeds growing out of them. Garbage scattered across the entire way collecting at the sidewalks curb. Buildings closed with boarded-up windows. You can tell the gang has done a number with pushing out the businesses. A gang should’ve helped these businesses stay opened.
That’s the difference between a gang and the mafia. We help and they destroy. I observe anything that looks skeptical. I don’t trust this area. Things can go wrong rather quickly.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Antonio said observantly, while he scans out his window.
I look out the front window; the sun setting casting an orange glow on the buildings, reflecting off the hood of the SUV blinding me. I look at Rett in the passenger seat. He’s working away on his laptop. I’m sure he’s looking into our rat problem. Nico hasn’t had much luck and I can tell it’s pissing him off. He really wanted to catch him.
“What’s that over there?” Tony suddenly asked.
“Where?” Nico practically falls in his lap.
Antonio shoves him off, while pointing toward one of the boarded-up shops a few feet away from where we’re parked. “That way, I saw something reflecting off the sunset. Could be nothing, but I don’t want to take any chances.”
“I’ll go,” I tell them. I cock my gun, opening my door I quietly slip out. I stock around the rear of the SUV keeping my eyes peeled for anything. This area can be crawling with members. When I don’t see anything, I dart towards the next building, tucking myself to the wall I listen for any movement. The wind whips around, not helping. Peeking around the corner I hustle to the next building. I’m getting closer only two more buildings between what Tony seen.
That’s when I hear the gravel crunch from behind me.Cazzo!I slowly rotate my head. Looking out the corner of my eye I can see a dark figure approaching. I quickly turn around pointing my gun at them. They freeze.
“If you were smart, I wouldn’t reach for that gun,” I tell them.
Their hand lowers.
“That’s what I thought. You work for the Atwood gang?”