“Oh, that’s cute. Where’d you learn that comeback? Your momma?”
“You know she’s dead right.”
His entire face drops. “Shit, look at me being an ass. I’m sorry.”
I burst out in a fit of giggles. “Sorry, that gets me every time!”
“Evil, pure evil.”
The rest of the night went on like nothing else mattered. I felt free and relieved. Hanging out with Oscar is like hanging out with a brother. I feel like I’ve known him forever and when some dickwad came to our table hitting on me, Oscar damn near took him out. That’s when we called it a night.
When I reached my apartment, a familiar Range Rover was there. I stumbled towards it when the driver’s window rolled down.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in.” Lucca hums.
“You be-bet your sweet bottom,” I said with a hiccup.
He shakes his head. “Get in the car woman. I’ll take you home.”
I furrow my brows. “I am home silly.”
“My home, where you belong. Get in the car, Charlotte.”
A shiver runs down my spine. I love when he goes all alpha on me. Too bad I’m too wasted to enjoy this night with him.
My dear Charlie was having drinks with another man tonight. If I was saying jealousy wasn’t making its way through my blood right now would be a complete lie. That should’ve been me on the other side of the table. Instead, I had to oversee this drop off. Antonio’s newest supplier seems hopeful. We need a new shipment of coke. Our dealers are barking at the door for more supplies. We have over fifty kilos being delivered today. It’s a larger one, so we’ve done more perimeter checks than last time. I’ve also been told a certain detective is rather consumed tonight. So at least we can breathe easier tonight.
“Everything looks in order. The van is to arrive in ten,” Rett informed me.
Twisting the ring on my finger, I give him a nod. “Perfect. Make sure everyone knows what to do. I don’t need a fuck up. I need this to run smoothly and quickly.”
He walks off barking orders to all the soldiers, telling them what to do. I don’t have the patience for them tonight. I have other things that need my attention. The doc called earlier telling me he has the DNA results back, unfortunately he’ll have to wait until morning. I want Charlie there when we read them. It was her idea and all. Plus, we still have a rat to find, Seth to figure out. The stress is starting to wear me down.
The sound of tires on the gravel pulls me from my internal battle. Show time. Our new warehouse is in the industrial area close to the airport. The airplanes overhead block out most of our conversations, so we never have to worry about anyone overhearing us. The traffic is the only killer.
“Yo, got that packaged meat you wanted.” This young teenager jumps out of the cargo van wearing a white wife beater, jean cut-offs ending at his knees, and a worn pair of black Vans. His hair is shoulder length and looks like he’s just crawled out of bed. Is he even legal age?
“Back up, we’ll unload it,” I tell him.
“For sure bro.” He hops back in his van.
I look at Rett. “Did he just call me bro? Does he know who I am?”
“I honestly don’t think he cares. He seems chill as fuck.”
“I like him,” Nico added.
He would, wouldn’t he. Like two peas in a pod. Once this teenager backs up, I inspect everything over. With a nod, the soldiers unload. When they finish, they slam the doors, knocking. Our sign for, get the fuck out of here. The van starts up, and he drives away without question. All right, he’s not bad. At least he listens to instructions.
“Well, fellas, I have a certain woman to go find. I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.”
“Have fun,” they all call out.
I plan on it. Pulling into her apartment parking lot, I notice her car is missing. Guess she’s still out with Oscar. Least he’s a decent guy and I don’t have to worry about him trying anything on her. I only have to wait ten more minutes when an Uber drops off a very intoxicated Charlotte. She stumbles towards her door when I unroll my window.
Getting her in the car was amusing. “I got this. I’m a big girl with big girl panties,” she slurs.
“That’s impressive Miss. Holmes,” I tease her, “Tell me for such a big girl how come you can’t walk?”