Oscar:Have you heard from Chuck?

His nickname for her. I rub my temples. I haven’t actually heard from her today. She’s usually great at sending me a text during the day. She can’t do much being stuck in her apartment.

Me:Now that you mention it. I haven’t.

Oscar:I was supposed to pop over today, but she hasn’t answered any of her texts or calls. Which is unlike her considering she can’t leave.

Me:Maybe she’s on the phone with her dad or Scarlett.

Oscar:I’ve been trying since 10

I check my watch realizing how late it is. I guess dealing with Ada took up most of the morning.

Me:I’ll check on her.

Oscar:Keep me posted.

I dial Charlie’s bodyguards. When I don’t get an answer, I send a group text to the guys.

Me:Get ready, we’re headed to Charlie’s. Something's wrong. Her bodyguards aren’t answering, and Oscar hasn’t heard from her since this morning.

Nico:Be ready in 5.

Antonio:What he said. I’ll load up.

I pull open the closet doors entering the code for the safe. I grab my gun along with a magazine. I wish I knew what we were walking into. I hop back into the Range Rover to grab the guys. They are waiting for me on the curb. I barely stop when they open the doors and climb in.

“What’s the plan? Guns a blazing type of situation?” Nico asked.

“Jesus, seriously? Does this look like that kind of situation to you?” Rett barks back.

I see Nico shrug through the rear-view mirror. “Curious, that’s all. No need to get fucking pissy cupcake.”

Rett clenches his fists when he hears his annoying nickname.

“All I was told from Oscar, was what I told you all. Other than that, we’re in the dark. Prepare yourself for anything at this point. We need to figure out what happened to her fucking bodyguards.”

Her apartment building comes into view. I flex my hand around the steering wheel while my other hand grips the gear shift tightly. With a shaky breath I park the SUV across from her building, trying to locate her bodyguards SUV. I can’t see it anywhere. The hairs on the back of my neck raise.

“Get ready. Shit is about to go down.” I push open my door, slamming it on my way out. I cross the street heading inside her building. I don’t bother hitting her buzzer. I had Antonio lift her keys and cut a set.

It’s quiet as we reach her floor, not sure if that’s a good sign or not. Her door is closed when it comes into view, standing off to the side. Rett does the honours of opening it. When he turns to me.

“It’s clear, but it’s not good—”

That’s all I hear from him as I push my way inside. There curled up on the floor is Charlotte. I rush over to her, scanning her body for any physical wounds. All I can see is her face. Her cheek is red and swollen. I look around her apartment taking in the destruction.

“What the hell happened?” Rett stands there looking at the scene we all are taking in.

Antonio is having a hard time as well. “It’s like a tornado went off. Whoever came in looks like they were looking for something. Do you think it has something to do with her or her clients?”

God, I hope not. I gently touch her arm. Causing her body to jolt awake.

After all this, we end up in a fucking fight and she stays in her room. I still need to end a few things before the guys leave. I’m not leaving her here alone.

“Go find those fucking bodyguards and haul them to the warehouse. I’ll deal with them tomorrow.”

Rett grins at me. “Can’t fucking wait for that. Have fun.”