Our decoy let us know the cops have surrounded their warehouse, giving us the clear. Excellent timing because here comes our van. Richard has pulled through again. Opening the overhead door the driver backed the van into the warehouse, staying inside my soldiers unloaded. My phone vibrated in my pocket. Digging it out I saw it was a message from my decoy.
D:Get out now! They’re onto you. It’s a trap.
The fuck? Before I could say anything, all hell let loose. The warehouse was swarmed by Toronto Task Force and front and center is Detective Scott Holmes. That motherfucker. The one and only person I can’t pay off and a thorn in my side. Behind him is Detective Frank Thompson.
I reach for my gun and start shooting. I duck behind the pile of coke. I see Antonio to my left, behind a pile of palettes shooting at the cops. I can’t see anyone else. I peek around the corner and shoot. I finally see Rett but haven’t been able to locate Nico.
“Give up now boys, you’ll never get out of this one.” Frank yells at us.
“Might as well, I don’t see you leaving besides in a body bag.” Scott says.
I shoot towards their voices, if they were smart, they would leave before I shoot them both.
“You’ll have to kill me first, Scott. You’ll be dead before me anyway,” I yell back.
Coke flies over my head from a bullet passing through.
The air is thick with gunpowder, my ears are ringing and it’s going to be a battle. One that I won’t quit. I reload my gun; I scan the area where the fuck is Nico. I glance at Antonino and see he’s holding strong, Rett on the other hand, I aim and shoot the cop that’s aiming at his head. Rett swivels around and stares at the dead cop. Nods at me.
A body pushes up against me, and I aim my gun at their head. That’s when I realize it’s Nico.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
He’s a sweaty mess. “I’ve been strapping explosives to their vehicles.” He grins. “They’ll go off shortly, that’s when they’ll retreat, they won’t mess with us knowing we have bigger ammunition.”
“How long?”
“Five minutes. Let the bullets fly, brother.”
We nod. I look at Rett, show him five fingers, then Antonio and do the same. They’ll understand the message. I rise and start shooting towards the cops and the two detectives. I see Frank go down and Scott rush to his aid. One down one to go. But the only thing stopping me is Charlie, no matter how much I want to kill him her face flashes in my mind.
Nico whistles at us, one minute warning. I glare at Holmes while I retreat, he might have gotten the jump on me today, but that’s all he’s gotten. We rushed to the other side of the warehouse and exited. I’m not getting caught in that mess.
The explosion rips through the entire lot, cars blowing up into flaming balls into the night sky. Metal crashing back onto the ground. The heat from the explosion could be felt from where we stood watching it all go down. So much for having an easy night. I knew something was going to happen tonight. One time I want something to go right, is that so hard to ask.
“Lucca? You’re bleeding,” Rett calls out.
I look down at my shoulder,figlio di puttana.Who the hell shot me? I shrug off my jacket and try to see if it’s a through and through.
“I think the bullets still in there, we’ll need the doc,” Nico says.
“I’ll call him on the way, I’ll drive,” Antonio tells everyone.
Who’s the fucking boss around here again? It’s not like I’m bleeding out or anything, I can still rule the roost. I apply pressure to help the bleeding. This is the only part I hate; gunshot wounds are the worst.
When we reach the office doc is waiting for us, heading into the kitchen I sit at the island. Nico hands me a bottle of whiskey I don’t waste anytime opening it and slamming back a swig or two. Doc has been working for the family for years, he’s the one we trust, and he knows better to ask questions. He sets his equipment on the countertop.
“All right son, are we numbing it or are we doing it old school?”
I scoff at him. “Old school, old man. The quicker the better.”
He grunts. “I’m not old. Do you want me to hurt you more?”
“You’re older than me, and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna hurt like a bitch with or without numbing.”
He only nods, he picks up his long nose tweezers. While pouring some whiskey over my wound. Gritting my teeth from the burn. He digs into the hole. I grip the edge of the counter, grunting in pain.