I chuckle. “I don’t know who you think you're talking to, Scarlett, but it won’t work on me. Don’t worry your precious friend is safe. I don’t want anything to do with her. I broke up with her for a reason and if you two haven’t figured that out yet. I can’t help you. Anything else?”
“Jesus, you’re a dick. I don’t know what she ever seen in you. I can’t believe my brother is still friends with you,” her voice held a bitter note.
The line went dead before I could reply, probably for the best considering what I really wanted to say to her would reveal who I was. I promised Antonio never to tell her and we’ve kept it that way and I see Charlotte hasn’t told her either. Even after all this time she’s kept that secret. Finding Tony’s name, I send him a text.
Me:Keep your sister on a leash.
Antonio:What she do this time?
Me:Demanding shit from me, and I can’t tell her what to do otherwise, so you better figure that shit out before I do.
Antonio:Got it, boss.
I hate doing that to him. He doesn’t need that stress either. His sister is smart, but sometimes she’s really stupid.
I’m working away in my bedroom when my phone pings. My alarm system is going crazy at the office. I quickly pull up the cameras on my laptop and get the live feed going. I let out a groan and grab my phone.
“Hey Rett. You're closer. Wanna head to the office and give this guy a scare of his life?”
“Do I wanna know what’s going on?”
“Someone grew some balls and is going through the office right now.”
He chuckles. I can hear him cock his gun. “Excellent. I’ll deal with it.” He hangs up.
I watch everything on the cameras. I can’t even count how many times someone has tried to lift our information; little do they know we don’t keep anything in the offices. Everything is kept on our laptops, and we take those home every night. If I learnt one thing from father, it’s not to leave a paper trail behind, so we went digital and it all gets loaded to a hard drive in a warehouse, even the cops don’t know about.
I see Rett enter the townhouse. The thief has yet to hear anything. He’s still digging through the desk in my office. Rett’s dark figure stands in the doorway now. Finally, the thief looks up and drops what he was holding. I can’t stand when people try to break into our office. It’s like they don’t have anything better to do with their time. Try to find our warehouse. That’s where we store the real good stuff. They must be talking cause the thief shakes their head then bows it in defeat. The screen flashes, then I see the body on the floor. Guess he couldn’t talk his way out of it.
Another problem to add. Time for a clean-up. The mafia never sleeps.
I’m hauling the last box into my apartment. This feels so surreal still. Dad is still smiling like he’s won the lottery and in a way he has. His daughter is home for good. If only he can kick the cancer and really win the lottery. That would be the best gift out there.
“Thanks Dad, you really didn’t have to help. The doc says to relax not to overwork yourself, and I know for a fact that you’ve been working when you shouldn’t be.”
“I plead the fifth. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turns and walks away.
This man. I tell you. I rub my temples. I’m going to have to knock him out, so he’ll rest for more than an hour a day. I wish he would listen to me already. I start work tomorrow. I can’t afford to be worrying about him all the time. He’s already growing weak. He just brushes it off like it’s natural. Stubborn is what he is.
“You start work tomorrow? Did you want to do something after?”
I drop the box and slide it into the corner. “I wish I could.” I face him. “I’m finally getting together with Scar. She has the evening off, so we’re gonna grab drinks and catch up.”
That brought a smile to his face. “That’s great to hear pumpkin. I’m glad you guys are still best of friends after all this time.”
“Same. Are you headed out now?”
“Yeah, I have some work to catch up on.”
I narrow my eyebrows at him. “Don’t work too long tonight.” I circle my arms around him, breathing in his aftershave that reminds me of my childhood. He squeezes me back and lays a kiss on my head.
“Love you pumpkin.”
“Love you too Dad, I’ll call you after work tomorrow.”
After he leaves, I try my best to unpack. I don’t have a hell of a lot of things. I unpack my clothes and my bathroom toiletries the rest can wait for another day. Those things are the most important. I hope I made the best choice with this job. Maybe I should’ve found something different that I could’ve still watched Dad. I lay down and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long ass day.
My alarm clock wakes me with a jump. Guess I didn’t have a problem falling asleep after all. All right, Charlie, you got this. Time to crunch some numbers like a bad bitch. I end up throwing on a black pencil skirt, a white blouse, and red pumps. I braid my hair to the side since I’m headed out after work. This look will work for both. I’m glad it’s only five blocks. I need to walk in these shoes. Entering the building I notice how fancy it is on the inside. The outside looks like it needs an upgrade. It’s almost contradicting itself. Standing in front of the elevator I smooth my skirt and take a deep inhale. I press the button and wait. The ride to my floor goes by fast. I step out and notice the big Sean & Irene Accounting sign above the reception desk. I guess they are successful here. The reception pops her head up and gives me a huge smile, too huge this early if you ask me.