She giggles. “Duh, it’s cheap beer.” I help her into the car, buckling her up. “You’re so pretty.” Then bops me on the nose. Laughing so hard, she snorts.

“Funny aren’t we when we drink?”

“The funniest. Are we going home now? I’m tired.” Her eyes flutter shut. I close her door walking to my side. Waited all night to have her with me and she passes out. Only my woman would get shit faced on a weekday.

Hauling a passed-out person up a flight of stairs is another thing I didn’t plan on doing tonight. She mumbles something in her sleep as I lay her on the bed. Ignoring her, I make work of her clothes tucking her under the blanket. I grab a glass of water and a couple of Tylenol for her. Getting undressed I crawl in behind her. Her warm body rolling into mine. I press a kiss on her head, closing my eyes. I feel content now. This is where she belongs. She only has to realize it on her own terms, apparently.

A warm hand stroking my chest wakes me from my sleep. I slowly open my eyes gazing down. Charlie is staring up at me.

“Morning gorgeous. How do you feel?”

“Like I’ve been run over by a herd of elephants. Remind me again not to go out with Oscar.” She shoves her head into my chest groaning.

“You know, bringing up another guy’s name in bed, probably not the best idea.”

“Shut it,” she mumbles. “He’s like a long-lost brother at this point. Just hire him and get it over with.”

Now that she’s mentioned it, I should ask him. Maybe I’ll setup that meeting after all. Can’t hurt to try.

“I know baby, it’s time to get up, anyway. Are you headed into work?”

Another groan. “I should. I probably won’t be there very long. Most of my clients have left me leaving me with a wide-open day.” She sounds so sad. I have my suspicion who is behind the slandering of her name.

I rub her back. “Everything will work out. I’m positive.”

“Only fools are positive, Lucca. I, for one am not a fool. With Scar not talking to me, I have no idea what is happening. Sean and Irene are sending over one of their lawyers to help, so I have that going for me. Plus, I still have a job.”

“Hey, that’s amazing baby. I’m so proud of you.” I buried my lips into her hair.

“I also received another envelope,” she whispered, her skin prickling with fear.

I grab her shoulders, sitting us both up. “Where’s the letter?” I demanded.

“In my purse. I wanted to open it with you.”

I climb out of bed searching for her purse. The letter is exactly where she said it would be. Tearing it open I read it.


I’ve waited long enough; I’ve given you enough time and handed out so many gifts. I tried with the last one, but she never listened either. Lucca was so far in his own mind to pay attention to her, he never noticed when I was around. I wonder if he will do the same with you.


My body is vibrating, fisting the letter I turn to Charlie. “You’re never leaving my side. I don’t give a fuck what you say. It’s my job to protect you. I failed you once. I won’t do it again. He will never get his hands on you.”

“Lucca? What did the letter say?” She makes her way towards me.

“Call in sick, do what you need to. You’re on lockdown. It’s not a joke, Charlie. Please,” I told her, feeling uneasiness creeping in. I’ve never felt like this before. He’s never left a note like this before. I need to check on Ada.

My footsteps carry me towards her bedroom. My heart is thumping wildly by the time I cross the hallway. Pushing her door open, I can see her lying in bed still sleeping. Her tiny chest rising and falling. Releasing a shaky breath, I close her door. A hand touches my back causing me to jump. I grab the hand twisting it backwards. Charlie’s yelp forces me to drop her hand.

“Shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“No, it’s my fault. I should’ve known better. You’ve been spooked ever since reading that note.” She rubs her wrist, where I had hurt her.

I gently take her hand into mine, bringing it up to my lips. I place a delicate kiss, holding her gaze. I pull her back into our bedroom, closing the door behind me.

“Charlie, that note says he’s after you. I’m begging you to listen to me on this. It’s serious. I think he’s the one that killed Bianca.”