Not sure what kind of fun I’ll be having, considering she’s pissed at me for trying to explain how things work. I’m sure I could’ve done it in a better way than I did. But being blunt is my downfall.
Knocking on her door, I enter. I’m not letting her think about letting me come in or not. I find her lying in bed. I undress and climb in with her.
“How are you feeling?”
“My head hurts. He yanked my hair a lot, plus my tongue hurts like a motherfucker.”
I pull her into my chest, rubbing her back. I didn’t think of all the pain she would be in. I was more scared than anything.
“Sorry for being a dick. I wanted you to see what it was like to be in my world. It’s not always sunshine and daises.”
“You mean you were a douche canoe? You’re forgiven. Shh now I need sleep.”
Her gentle snores tell me she passed out quickly, no room for arguing. Placing a kiss on her forehead I close my eyes, hoping sleep will pull me under. I’m thankful she wasn’t hurt worse than what she was. I’ll end whoever touched her. You can count on that.
When I wake up, my body is sore and warm. A little too warm. Lucca’s leg is wrapped around my hip holding me to the bed. I wasn’t expecting him to stay all night with me, especially how I went off on him after everything. I was scared. He kept bitching about a simple mistake I made. He couldn’t see past that and help me. I slowly roll out from under him, making my way to the bathroom. My head is still throbbing from when that asshat pulled my hair and slapped me around. Popping two Tylenol I make my way to the kitchen. The entire place is cleaned, leaving no trace of a shitstorm that happened last night.
My hands shake as I think about how worse it could’ve ended if they wanted to deliver a real message. I’m still not sure if Lucca had figured out who sent them. For everyone involved, I hope he has. Or how the hell they knew where I lived. That’s what’s really gotten me shaken up the most. I’m contemplating ending my lease to look some place else. I won’t ever feel safe here again.
“What are you doing up?” A deep voice comes from behind me.
I jump not expecting anyone to be in my apartment. I turn around and find Rett sitting at my kitchen table drinking a coffee.
“Jesus Christ, Rett.” I place my hand over my heart. “You almost gave me a fucking heart attack. Maybe make some noise or something, yeah?”
He only shrugs, takes a sip placing it quietly back on the table. “It’s my job to be stealthy, Charlie. That’s the point. If I made noise, I would be dead.”
I roll my eyes at his dramatics. I never understood why he always had to be serious all the time. “Whatever, Rett, why are you here?”
He points to the bedroom. Like I’m stupid. “My boss is here, hence why I’m here. I’ll have his back always.”
So glad we didn’t have sex this morning. I don’t need an audience. That might be his thing, but that ain’t mine.
“Well, you can leave anytime he wakes up and take his ass with you. I have more important shit to deal with, as I’m sure you guys do, too.”
Giving a bitter laugh. “Charlie, no offence. You don’t make the rules for us. You never will so drop the attitude. You don’t belong in the mafia.” He pushes his chair back standing. He looks away as he drops his mug into the sink. “Tell Lucca I’m waiting in the car for him.”
I don’t reply. What an ass. I didn’t even say anything rude to him. There was no need for him to be a dick to me. Once he left, Lucca comes out of the bedroom fully dressed.
“Your dick just left. He’s in the car. I suggest you leave, as well.”
He stands there in the middle of the entry of the small hallway from the bedroom. With a frown, he twists his ring.
“What the fuck is your problem with me?”
“My problem? Rett pretty much told me I’m a useless woman. So, take it up with him. I don’t appreciate everyone coming into my life and cutting me down.” I tip my head back to control the tears that want to escape. I don’t mean to be so emotional or start crying in front of him, but fuck me this is harder than I thought it would be.
“Charlotte.” His gentle voice almost calms me. “I don’t think he meant it in such a rude way. I know how Rett can be. We are all under a large amount of pressure. I’ll talk with him.” He pulls me into a hug. I can’t help but melt into him.
He’s always been amazing at calming me down. It’s the one thing I’ve missed about him. He runs his fingers through my hair, gently massaging my scalp. A small moan slips out of me.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m a little sore. My head is killing me.” He stops massaging me. “No, please don’t stop. It helps.”
“Only if, you’re sure. I don’t want to hurt you more.”
I moan again when he hit’s a tender spot at the back of the neck. “Right there. Feels like heaven.”