“Hello and welcome to Sean & Irene accounting. I’m Jill. How may I help you?”

I give her a smile in return. “Hi, I’m Charlotte Holmes. I’m the new accountant.”

“Oh, yes, that’s right.” She stands and steps out from behind the desk. “If you’ll just follow me, I’ll show you to your office.”

An office. I’ve never had an office before. It’s always been a shitty cubicle. Guess I came with a huge praise from my old boss, or they are that desperate for me. We walk down a small hallway, and we pass three other offices. She stops at the last door on the left.

“This is yours. If you need anything, I’ll get your PA Oscar to bring it to you.”

“A personal assistant. Wow. Okay. Thank you so much.”

She laughs. “We don’t play around here. You’ll notice that when you start.”

She leaves me alone in my own office. I feel like I don’t deserve this. I walk towards the window and check out my view. I get a nice view of the park and a bunch of other buildings. Guess I can’t really complain, it’s better than what I’m used to. I take a seat and a knock comes at my door.

“Come in,” I yell.

In walks a six-foot tall, blue-eyed blonde hair God. He fills his suit out to the max. I’m pretty sure I’m drooling. I discreetly wipe my mouth.

A deep chuckle makes me blush. “Don’t worry that happens a lot around here. I’m Oscar Mills, your PA.”

Fuck me. I’m totally screwed.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. If I do it again, call me out.”

He waves me off. “Nah, I don’t mind. It boosts my ego.” He pushes his wide, black-rimmed glasses up his nose.

“You’re one of them are ya? Good to know.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

He steps closer and tosses some folders onto my desk. I look up at him and raise my eyebrow.

“What are these?”

“Work? That’s what you do here isn’t it?”

“Funny, I meant whose are they? Help me out here.”

We spent the morning going through all the accounts that I’m responsible for. There were more accounts than I figured I would have. One name looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it. The numbers in his account don’t match up, so I get Oscar to grab the previous years, so I don’t get anything mixed up. The last thing I need is this guy getting a call from the fucking government about his taxes. I’ve been pretty good with my record, and I don’t need him ruining it.

Oscar has been a dream. I don’t know what I would do without him. He’s been running back and forth for me getting me tea and folders. I feel bad making him do all this grunt work. Then again, he did sign up for this.

I set the folder I’m looking through down. “Oscar.”

He looks up at me. “Yeah.”

“Why did you become a personal assistant when you could’ve done anything? I mean look at you.”

His eyes go dark for a second. “It’s complicated Charlie. Let’s go with that. This is what’s best and besides it’s rewarding.” He shrugs his one shoulder.

I feel like he’s hiding something. Then again, I only just met him. What do I know?

By the time work is over, I’m tired. Who knew going through all that would be tiring and that was only my first day. I didn’t even meet my boss yet. Apparently, they are at some huge meeting and won’t be back for a few days. I texted Scar, and she’s meeting me at White Rabbit. I’ve never been there; however, she swears by it. I’m waiting on the sidewalk for my Uber to arrive when Oscar steps to my side.

“What are you doing out here by yourself?”

“I’m waiting for my ride. I’m headed to a bar with a friend. What are you still doing here?”

“The usual, paperwork.” He laughs. “Work never ends when the boss leaves. Want me to wait with you till your car gets here?”