“Feeling all right boss?” Nico chuckles. “Could’ve handled this better don’t you think?”
“I have other things on my plate right now, Nico.” I sit down and turn my computer back on. “I don’t have time for fuck-ups. You’re not helping either.”
He throws his hands up. “Hey, I’m just sayin’ no need to chew my head off.”
I ignore him. I turn to Antonio. “We need more people patrolling the warehouse. I can’t afford to lose anymore, men.” I let out a deep sigh. Father keeps riding my ass. It’s getting on my nerves how much he doesn’t trust me. I’ve been doing this for three years now. I think by now I know what I’m doing. “Let me know when you’re done. I have a meeting with Father in an hour.”
“For sure, good luck. We all know what a cunt he can be.” Antonio says with a grin.
He’s right. Whatever he wants, can’t be good. He probably wants to bitch about me. Which doesn’t surprise me by now. Once everyone leaves, I take a few minutes to myself. I knew when I became a made men my life would turn upside down. Then I’ve became a Capo and things have changed so much more. I’ve enjoyed a lot of benefits, so far there’s no doubt about that.
Leaving the club, I climb into my range rover. The drive to the house goes by quickly, too quickly, if you ask me. I’m not prepared for what I’m about to step foot into. The moment I walk into the house, my father pounces.
“About damn time you arrived. I’ve been waiting for you to show your face.” He brings his whiskey to his lips and takes a sip.
“Jesus, can’t I at least grab a drink before you start on me?” I throw him a look.
He rolls his eyes. I’ll take that as a yes. I walk over to the bar that’s set up in the study and pour a whiskey. I take a seat on the couch across from him.
I smell a trap. Why else would he ask me here? He knows everything that happens before it even happens. Well, almost that is. Sometimes he still can’t figure out shit until it’s too late, and I already cleaned up the mess.
“I shot Paul and Jimmy. To many fuck ups, I can’t handle that anymore. I need better soldiers. This is bullshit.”
He raises his eyebrow. “Mmhmm, at least you’ve taken care of the problem. I trust you to handle anything else that comes your way.”
I glare at Vincent Buratti when he comes strolling into the study. The balls he must have to be walking into our house. I eye him until he pours himself a drink then sits next to Father; I don’t like how they look to be buddies all of a sudden.
“Cool itfiglio, we all need to talk,” Father says.
“What’s up with this?” I motion between them. “I thought we we’re done with him; he needs to stop pigging backing off of us.”
Father clears his throat. “Lucca, that’s why we brought you here. We need to talk about something.”
I can already feel myself vibrating. They fucking ambushed me. That’s what they did. “Spit it out. I have shit to do.”
Vincent puffed his chest out. “We need to discuss what we’re doing about Bianca.”
I leap off the couch. “I’m not ready to talk about that yet. If that’s why you both called me here, forget it. I have better things I can be doing, then listening to this bullshit. When I’m ready, we’ll discuss it.”
My father rubs his temples while Vincent swirls his whiskey around in his glass. I glare at them both. I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been trying for the past five years to deal with this garbage, and I haven’t gotten anywhere yet. I don’t see why they think it would magically fix itself.
“I’m headed home. I have some shit to take care of.” I don’t stick around to hear what they have to say.
I’m standing in the middle of the warehouse waiting for the current shipment to arrive. I have Antonio and Nico guard the main doors. Rett stands next to me patiently waiting. This deal is the biggest I’ve ever secured and like fuck I’m letting anything fuck it up. The buzz of my phone lets me know our packages are here. The doors slide open, letting Antonio and Nico walk in with our guest, Richard.
“Let’s move this along; I don’t want to be here longer than I have to be. I’m sure you understand.” I stare down Richard. He hustles to open the back of the panel van.
Once the door is open, I’m greeted with crates. I don’t move until he opens one. Keys of coke are stacked nicely. I give him a nod and Nico whistles for a few of the men to unload them. There’s plenty to distribute between both families once the deal is sealed.
“That’ll be all for now, Richard. I hope we can continue to deal with you. If there are no fuck-ups in the future.”
“Thank you, Lucca. I’m glad we can do business.” He reaches his hand out. I stare down at it. Eventually I shake it. I remember father telling me that if I want to make an impression in business. You gotta shake a few snakes’ hands while doing it.
Richard quickly leaves after being paid. I groan, cracking my neck. I turn to the guys. “Let’s head out. I have an important girl waiting for me.”
“Let’s be real. She’s probably excited to see me more.” Rett says.
Sad thing is, he isn’t lying. It’s been so stressful I only want some time to myself but being the capo now I don’t have that pleasure. When John died three years ago, I was promoted. It’s been a whirlwind ever since. I didn’t think I would be ready to take this much on, but I have someone important to look after and I would do anything for her. She’s all I have.