Page 73 of El Malo

It wasn’t supposed to come to this, though. “Javier!” I scream, no longer able to keep up the act. I let out a terrified howl meant for my husband and look up at Javier, but he’s gone.

“You stupid cunt,” Michael yells, laughing. “You were always so fucking stupid.”

From the corner of my eyes, I see Javier circle around. A calm washes over me. I seek out an ally and lock eyes with Marco Antonio, whose face is bright red. He clutches his AK-47 like he’s ready to use it.

Lucky for the both of us, he won’t have to.

The plan is going accordingly.

“I almost let the information of you feeding secrets to our enemies go because you’re nothing but a stupid kid,” Javier roars, his voice unlike I’ve ever heard before. “I could almost look past you roughing up one of my maids because you’re still young and don’t know how to treat a lady. But every video I watched of you in my house touching my property like it’s fucking yours…” He trails off, leaving us all in suspense.

A choked sound resounds from behind me and I scramble away the moment Angel releases me. I cover my chest and back up against the wall. Javier has a piece of metal wire twisted in each hand and is using it to choke Angel. Angel’s eyes bug out from his head as his face turns purple, shock gleaming in his frantic gaze. That’s right, asshole. You don’t touch an Estrada. Ever. Blood leaks from where the metal wire cuts into his throat. Javier’s face is pure, unfiltered rage as he uses all his strength to yank that wire toward him.

“I tried to give you so many chances,” Javier hisses. “I tested you over and over again.” He pulls the wire harder. “You failed, motherfucker.”

Angel makes choking sounds that turn into gurgling.


So much blood.

Javier has no doubt sliced through the carotid artery because bright red blood sprays out in a wide arc and splatters the wall. The kid is dead and yet Javier is lost to the madness. He cuts through until he must meet resistance on Angel’s spine. With a rage-filled roar, he shoves the body away from him. It hits the floor with a loud thud.

Javier is covered in blood and he’s every bit the monster the CIA was after. A killer. A psychopath. An untamable beast.

He’s beautiful.

“What. Happens. When. You. Touch. Javier. Estrada’s. Girl?” he yells, his face turning purple. His veins on his neck and face bulge with ferocity.

“You die,” I breathe out, my voice barely heard.

He snaps his attention my way and stalks over to me. Giant and muscular and scary as hell. And mine.

“You die,” he repeats as he drags me into his arms. “Manzanita, I’m sorry.”

I cling to his blood-soaked apron and tilt my head up to look at him. “I love you, baby.”

His features soften and he kisses me sweetly on my lips. “I love you too, mami.”

Michael lets out a garbled sound. “What the fuck? No. Fucking no. Kill her, you idiot! She’s a lying cunt!”

I pull away from Javier and walk over to the tool box. I pick up a hammer before turning to regard Michael. The scent of piss permeates the room as he loses control. Fear has taken over his body. When I start walking toward him, he squirms in the chair.

“R-Remember your place, Agent Daza. As your superior, I order you to stop!” Michael yells.

I pause in front of him, looking down at his pitiful self, the hammer hanging down at my side. Javier’s body heat warms me from behind. He grabs my hips and twists me around. His fingers stroke through my hair as he regards me tenderly. My eyes flutter closed when he kisses me, this time harder than the one before. His tongue dances with mine and encourages me.

I am his.

No one is allowed to touch Javier’s Rosa Estrada.

No one.

Angel learned the hard way and so will Michael.

“What the fuck, Daza?” Michael hisses behind me. “El Malo?”

I smile against Javier’s mouth. My tattoo on my lower back proudly boasts of who I belong to. El Malo. The bad. Javier’s good little undercover maid turned cartel and mafia queen.