Three months later…
The blanket Leticia knitted is soft and I can’t stop touching it. My heart swells that she put so much time and effort into the gift for our baby.
I can hardly believe it.
I’m pregnant with Javier Estrada’s child and couldn’t be happier about it. I fold the blanket and set it in the crib. The nursery is coming together nicely. We’ve chosen to keep the sex a secret even though the doctor told us she knows the sex. As long as the baby is healthy, we’re happy. It’s just a waiting game at this point. In about four more months, our family will be complete.
With a happy sigh, I finish readying the room and then leave. I run right into the solid brick wall that is Angel. He steadies me by grabbing my biceps and the metal of his brass knuckles bites into my flesh. I flash a fake smile—for him and not the hidden cameras that watch our every move. Truth is, he makes me nervous. I don’t like how he seems to stalk Araceli. She assures me she can handle it, but I still worry over my girls. They may not work directly for me like they used to, but they’re still my friends. Araceli is like the little sister I never had. The thought of him roughing her up has me angry on her behalf.
“Nice dress,” he says, his pupils wide with whatever it is he’s on as of late. He doesn’t release me and I don’t jerk away from him. Angel thrives on intimidating women. Unfortunately, his tactics don’t work on me.
In this home, I am safe.
With Javier, I am safe.
I glower up at him. “Thanks.”
His gaze lingers at my cleavage. My breasts are much fuller being that I’m pregnant and Angel doesn’t seem to miss that fact. Ever. Although, he attempts to keep his eyes to himself whenever Javier is near.
But Javier misses nothing.
“If you’re done eye-fucking my tits, I’d like to go lie down before dinner with Javier tonight,” I bark out, leveling him with a hard glare.
He smirks, confident and arrogant, but removes his hands from me. The asshole makes a blatant show of checking out my breasts a few moments longer. Bold and brave this one. “Jefe wants you to wear a sexy dress and then I’m to drive you. He says he has something real special planned for you.”
I give him a clipped nod and slip into our bedroom beside the baby’s room. Turning the lock behind me, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I’m alone. I rummage around in our closet until I find a new maternity dress Javier hasn’t seen yet that I bought online. Using Javier’s computer. A computer that even though he gave me the password and tempted me at one time with potential new information, I never abused by snooping. Just shopping.
My dress is beautiful. It’s sunshine yellow and hugs all my curves. I like it because it’s sleeveless, low cut, and short. I won’t get too sweaty in it. Once I put on some glitzy jewelry and step into my wedge sandals, I apply some makeup and curl my hair into the sexy waves he loves so much. Finally, I spritz on some perfume and decide I look as sexy as a pregnant woman can be.
Tears prickle my eyes as I clutch my rounded belly. It’s as though someone placed a small basketball inside me. I can hardly believe life grows within me.
“Time to go,” Angel barks from the other side of the door.
His tone irritates me, but I blow it off for now. I’m ready to see Javier anyway. Angel’s eyes bug out of his head when he rakes his gaze over my appearance.
“Fuck, jefe is so lucky.” He scratches at his jaw, his stupid brass knuckles still attached to his fingers, as he smirks. “You and me could run away, baby. Leave right now. I could make all your dreams come true.”
“You’re pushing it,” I snap and push past him. “Rein it in, asshole.”
He growls a “fucking whatever” before he storms past me. I lift my chin and walk after him, taking my time. When I get to the carport, he’s waiting beside his cherry red Mustang that Javi bought for his undeserving ass. Javier spoils everyone in his life who are loyal to him.
The ones who are not…
They die.
A shudder ripples past me, but I shake it away. Javier and I are fine. We’re more than fine. We’re perfect. I settle into the passenger seat as Angel fires up the obnoxiously loud engine. He backs out of the driveway past the estate gates and barrels through town.
Away from the restaurants.
Away from the hotels.
Away from the city.
We’re going to the shed.