Fucking red.
I’ve never seen a woman so broken in my entire life. So fucking terrified. And she’s not just any woman. She’s my woman. My brave, intelligent, sexy Rosa.
That asshole raped her.
Stuck his worthless dick inside of something that belongs to Javier Motherfucking Estrada. He just made the biggest mistake of his goddamned life. I will hunt that man down and the things I’ve done to Velez or Mendez will seem like child’s play compared to what I’ll do to Michael.
He broke her.
He broke my sweet Rosa.
I’ve managed to undress us both and have pulled her under the hot stream of the shower. Still, she clings to me. Desperately so. If I had any fears or suspicions about her, they’ve been squashed for the time being. She needs me. Rosa Delgado, my maid turned lover, needs my protection.
“What hurts?” I ask as I run the bar of soap over her body.
“Everything,” she whimpers. Her tears have slowed now that she realizes I’m not going to kill her. I don’t know where she got the idea I would take her life over something she had no control over. If anything, it’s a testament to her loyalty to me.
“What hurts the worst? Your pussy?” I set the soap down and rinse us both off.
She shakes her head. “No, that’s okay. My face hurts where he punched me, though.” Her fingers brush along her temple. “And where he hit me with the tequila bottle.”
My blood boils, but I refrain from raging and destroying my entire goddamned house. Instead, I pepper kisses on her sad face.
“A man should not hit a woman. Ever.” My words are icy and hate-filled. “He will pay.”
Her brows scrunch together, but she nods. Whatever friendship she thought she would continue to carry on with him bleeds from her and gets sucked down into the drain at our feet.
“I feel so dirty,” she whispers. “I don’t like that he was inside me.”
I can tell where she’s going with this and I don’t know what to fucking do. I don’t like the idea of him inside of her either.
“Javier…” she trails off.
I grit my teeth and nod. “I’ll make him go away.”
She clutches onto my shoulders as I grip her ass. I lift her and her legs wrap around my waist. My mouth presses to her swollen lips and I kiss her gently. She reaches between us, guiding my cock inside of her. A sob catches in her throat, causing me to pull away.
“Don’t stop,” she begs tearfully. “Please.”
I kiss her in a way that promises no one will ever hurt her again. My hips slowly thrust against her. I don’t want to hurt her. I just want to help her not feel so dirty. She doesn’t come, not that I expect her to.
We kiss until my balls seize up. It satisfies me as my cock spurts out my seed, marking her once again as mine. Michael is nothing more than a bad memory to us.
But for him?
His motherfucking nightmare is just beginning.
I will spend every second of every day hunting his ass down.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, her body trembling.