Page 49 of El Malo

He’s going to fuck me.

And instead of being worried, all I can think about is Javier.

“No!” I scream at the top of my lungs, clawing at the duvet. “Get away from me!”

I’m silenced when he pushes inside of me. His grip finds my throat and he squeezes. Hot tears roll out of my eyes. This hurts. I can’t move and he’s fucking me like it’s his God-given right to.

Javier will kill me.

He’ll kill both of us.

I give up. All fight bleeds out of my body as I let Michael fuck me. It’s not unlike all the other times. Same position. Same amount of feelings toward me, which are none. Dirty and disgusting. At least I can count on him being quick. And he sheathed his worthless cock.

I wait it out, tears leaking from my eyes, as I wonder how long Javier will let me live. Will he hold me one last time and tell me I’m safe? A loud, ugly sob tears from me as Michael groans. He comes hard and then he’s pulling out of me.

“Fuck!” he curses. “Fuck, Rosa! Why did you fucking make me do that?”

I curl into a ball, my tears soaking the bed. My entire body shudders. “H-He’ll kill us now. L-Look what you did,” I accuse. “Why d-did you d-do that? Michael, why?”

“I don’t know,” he yells back. “I don’t know.” Something shatters against the glass mirror. “I’m fucking sorry, okay? I just missed you. I miss us.”

Sniffling and my jaw aching, I sit up. My head hurts badly. He’s standing on my panties, but I don’t even care. I need to get out of here. Sliding off the bed, I stumble toward the door.

“Where are you going?” he demands, his eyes wild.

“I’m getting away from you,” I shriek. “You’ve ruined everything. We’re both as good as dead. He’ll take us to the shed and gut us, Michael. You did this to us!”

“No,” he bellows as he lunges for me. “He won’t know because you’ll keep your goddamned mouth shut and remember your duty to the motherfucking agency, Daza!”

We slam against the door and it cracks in protest. I scream, kicking at him, but he smashes me against the door with his weight. His grip on my biceps is strong, keeping me locked in place.

“I w-won’t lie t-to him,” I choke out. “Let me go.”

“Will you listen to yourself? You’ve gone fucking crazy over him! You can’t tell him shit, Rosa. He’s a target, not your fucking boyfriend.”

I squirm and spit in his face. He releases my arm to grip my jaw. I’m forced to look at the man whom I trusted for so long. He’s more of a monster than Javier could ever be.

“You won’t tell him,” he hisses.

Bringing my knee up, I hit him hard in the balls. He starts howling and releases me. I rake my nails across his face before twisting the knob and running out the door. He starts after me, but once I exit the side door of the building, I realize he’s not following me.

It’s dark and people loiter about, but I’m not afraid.

I have to get to Javier.

I have to make him understand I didn’t want it.

When I promised I wouldn’t fuck another man, I meant that with every part of my being. Michael may think I’m brainwashed, but I’m not. I may have my duties for the agency, but my body made promises to a man that had nothing to do with anyone else.

Someone catcalls me from a bench, but I ignore them, my feet pounding faster in my sandals. Everything hurts. I just want to find Javier, crawl into his arms, and let him hold me. That’s all I care about right now. I’m almost to the gate when I slam into a man made of solid muscle.

I start screaming and flailing, but he’s too strong for me.

“Calm down,” he hisses. “It’s me.”

Jerking my head up, I lock eyes with Marco Antonio. His irritated stare is gone. He regards me with a mixture of fury and concern.

“I need Javier,” I cry out, falling against him.