Page 44 of El Malo

She melts at my words. This woman is so pliable. I can ease her into anything as long as I preempt it with something lovely whispered into her ear.

“I’m yours,” she agrees.

“And I’m Yoet Estrada,” my father says from behind Rosa, amusement in his voice.

She pulls away and offers her dainty hand. He takes it and kisses the top but doesn’t release her. Tania, used to his flirtatious nature, doesn’t even bat an eye in his direction. My father is no threat of taking my woman, but it won’t stop him from being ultra friendly with her.

“Rosa Delgado,” she says, her voice sultry and somehow fierce all at once. Another niggle of pride dances through me. I hug her from behind, my palms roaming all over her naked flesh. I’m hard and my cock presses against her, letting her know just how she affects me.

“Rosa is a beautiful name,” he says. “Come meet my wife, Tania, and our son, Emiliano.”

He tugs at her hand, forcing me to release her. I watch Rosa’s perfect ass jiggle as she walks with my father toward the shallow end of the pool. Tania with Emi on her hip climbs up the steps and regards Rosa with a wide smile. They shake hands and then Rosa leans forward to ruffle Emi’s hair. He beams at her and reaches for her.

My chest aches at seeing her take my brother into her arms. She hugs him to her as though he’s every bit as precious to her as he is me. When she turns to seek out my gaze, her eyes shine with love and adoration. I’m stunned by how gorgeous she is in this moment. It has nothing to do with her killer body and everything to do with her instant love for my brother.

Stalking over to them, I beam at her. “He’s perfect, yes?”

She nods. “So cute. Oh my God. I love him.”

Emi plays with her necklace and babbles about a show called Paw Patrol. She nods animatedly as she listens. He equally adores her. Any apprehension I had about her meeting my family is squashed in this moment.

“Camila,” Tania calls out. “It’s time to put Emiliano to bed.”

Camila nods, never smiling, and takes Emi from Rosa’s arms. It’s dusk now and the party is getting underway as the band has arrived. The atmosphere quickly evolves from family swim party to adult dance party. As the music begins booming and an up and coming new Mexican band starts playing, I tug Rosa back into my arms where she belongs. I wave for a server to bring us drinks. Real ones. He offers us shots of tequila. Once we’ve downed a couple and the heat is sliding through our veins, I start dancing with Rosa.

Her hips move to the beat in a provocative way that has my dick aching in my trunks. I simply hold her with her back pressed to my chest, satisfied for the skin to skin connection. Besides, our dancing can’t even hold a candle to Father and Tania. A crowd forms when Father starts bobbing his head to the beat. His chest is covered with tattoos that rival mine and his trunks hang low on his narrowed hips. He may be older, but Tania is lucky to have a man like him. She wears a revealing black bikini that makes her fat tits bounce when she starts dancing too. Those two are positively in sync with one another. It’s mesmerizing to watch.

“Wow,” Rosa marvels aloud.

I suckle on her neck and reverently palm her stomach. “They dance well.”

“You think?” she says with a laugh. “They’re amazing.”

Tania holds her arm out, her fingers calling for my father as her hips rock to the beat. He dances toward her as though she’s reeling him in. When he’s close, she pretends to push him away without touching him. He acts as though he’s been struck but then dances forward again, bending his knees more and more with each step until he falls at his knees in front of her. Their dance takes a provocative turn when he grips her thigh and lifts it over his shoulder. She tugs on his hair with one hand and waves her other one above her as she moves. His lips kiss her thigh and his palms grope her ass. Then, he’s back on his feet, his hips rocking against hers. Their eyes are locked on one another as they both fight for lead during their dance. His palms rake over her, tugging at her swimsuit hard enough to tease the audience with more skin but never pulling it hard enough to expose her.

“Let’s go to the hot tub,” I murmur, eager to touch my woman without prying eyes of everyone around us. My private hot tub would be ideal, but Father will not be pleased if I leave the party. So, I head for the big one near the pool that has several people already in it.

Marco Antonio nods, fully dressed in a black suit with a tan FN SCAR in hand—a fully automatic rifle that shoots 5.56 ammo—a constant reminder that nobody gets out of fucking line or they’ll be riddled with holes like the goddamned Swiss cheese on the party platters. Nobody dares start shit. Not at an Estrada party. We’re heavily protected and watched over. Everyone knows this.

“Let me help you, mami,” I croon as I kneel in front of Rosa. I grasp her ankle and place her shoe on my knee. Quickly, I unfasten the buckle and rid her of her fancy shoe. The next one gets removed. Faces I don’t recognize politely nod and then exit the waters, leaving us alone.

“Your father is nice,” she says, smiling. “So is his wife.”


Her embarrassment tells me she thinks he’s handsome.

“I’m glad you approve of my family.” I kiss the inside of her knee before standing.

She’s much shorter without her heels. So fucking cute. I grasp her hand and guide her into the hot water. We settle with her in my lap with her back against me.

“The party is just getting started,” I murmur against her ear as I grip her thighs and spread her apart.

“Yeah?” she breathes.

I like her cunt open and waiting for me. But my sweet Rosa will have to wait a little while longer. So many things I want to show her.

“Arturo,” I call out.