I drop the hose to the floor and storm over to Velez. He smells like a goddamned pig having shit himself. I refuse to clean him off. He can sit in his filth. I stand in front of him and raise my boot.
“N-No! N-No! D-Don’t!”
Ignoring him, I smash his purple bulging balls with the toe of my boot. He screams like a fucking woman who’s getting her head sawed off. Fucking pussy. With his balls in this precarious position, it wouldn’t take much pressure before his skin would split and free them from his sack like a couple of egg yolks tossed into a bowl.
I let up slightly and glower at him. “You played me, motherfucker.”
“It wasn’t like that,” he lies. “I was going to get ’em for you.”
Marco Antonio snorts. Arturo laughs. Velez is so full of shit.
“You were told to put the heat on Club Cielo. Get that shit shut down. Drive that asshole from his nest.” I press against his sack again, reveling in his scream. “But you disobeyed me.”
I yank my knife from my pocket and flip it open. He starts sobbing, but it does nothing to me. I don’t feel sorry for this sick fuck. He’s a traitor and a pedo. I grab his chin and hold him still as I carve an E and then an M into his forehead.
El Malo.
When I want to send a message to fuckers like Mendez, I litter the streets with the corpses of his men signed with a warning.
Blood runs down over Velez’s eyes and down his cheeks, mixing with his tears. He’s so pathetic. Disgusting.
“J-Just kill me,” he begs.
I’ll do nothing of the sort. Instead of granting him his wish, I whistle as I give his nuts a reprieve and go hunting in the tool box for my thin nylon rope. Arturo picks up on the song and starts singing along as I whistle it. A couple of baddies as Rosa says who can carry a fucking tune. Velez eyes the rope warily. He ought to be scared. I squat in front of him, ignoring his stank, and grab hold of his little pecker. Maybe it’s a physiological response or maybe he’s truly gay, but either way, his cock responds and hardens.
“Our little masochist here wants me to tug on his dick,” I tell my men. They both snort in amusement. “Let me oblige, Mayor.” I tie one end of the rope around his cock. I tighten the knot enough that I’m sure it really fucking hurts. He passes out, his head lolling back. I stand and toss the other end of the rope over the rafters. Once I grab the end of it, I tie it around his wrist with his arm stretched above his head.
“Wake up,” I order and slap his cheek.
He blinks in confusion and then realizes his situation with horror. “No…”
“Oh, yes,” I say with a grin and head over to the sink.
His arm is stretched in the air, but eventually it will get weak and heavy. And when it falls, it’ll yank on his cock. If his arm gives out altogether, his cock is going to stretch to a painful limit. He quickly realizes this and lets out a howl.
“Arturo,” I holler. “You got this?”
“Sí, jefe.” He nods. “I’ll extract everything I can from the kid.”
“Get me everything you can. I’m going to pay Mendez a visit tonight.”