Page 42 of El Malo


“He fucking stinks, jefe,” Alejandro complains. “Can I just cut his throat and get rid of the body?”

Smirking, I shake my head. “Nope. He lives. Velez will stay alive as long as we can prolong it. Did you repack him with ice?”

“Yeah, but he’s looking a little green. I don’t think he’s going to live much longer,” he admits. “When will Yoet arrive?”

I check my watch as I stand from my desk chair. “My father and Tania are supposed to already be here. Everything is ready for the party tonight?”

It’s been several days since I took Rosa shopping. That night, when I pulled her into my arms and danced with her at the hotel, she’s seemed to shed some of her tension. Allowed me to fully pull her into my world. She didn’t balk when I had Arturo pack up her things and bring them to my bedroom. She didn’t argue when I told her she was no longer a maid. She just went with it. For this, I’m glad. She needs to realize she’s mine. Now and forever.

Alejandro walks over to the window and points. “The food is prepared and guests are arriving. Rosa is ordering around the hired wait staff for the event. Is that okay, jefe?”

Chuckling, I walk over to where he points and watch her from the window. Despite being told she’s not a maid anymore, she still oversees the maids as though it’s her duty, and now the hired wait staff. She’s gesturing to a table and the man she’s talking to has his head bowed in submission.

My queen is on fire today.

She knows how important it is to me to impress my father and she’s going out of her way to please me. If my father wasn’t arriving any moment, I’d toss her over my shoulder and fuck her real good for being such an accommodating woman.

“Are they bringing their nanny?” Alejandro asks.

I’m not a fan of Camila, but she loves Emiliano as though he’s her own, so I forgive her. I’m not blind to the disdainful way she regards Tania behind her back. Camila worships my father and is a beautiful woman, but Tania is his wife. She can do no wrong in my father’s eyes. I believe this drives their nanny crazy. I’m sure she’d prefer if she got to play mommy along with my father.

“Camila will be here. Don’t fuck her,” I warn.

He chuckles. Alejandro may be a young man, but he always has eyes for the older women. The last thing I need is one of my bodyguards fucking my father’s nanny. What a shitfest that would be. “I’ll stay away, but you know my dick brings all the honeys to the yard.”

“You won’t have a dick if you disobey me,” I snap back.

He’s not worried by my warnings based on the smirk he still wears, but he tells me what I want to hear anyway. “I like my dick. I won’t fuck the nanny.”

“Good, let’s go—” I start but then a shrill shriek echoes from down the hallway.


I stalk out of the office in time to see a three-year-old boy with black hair clumsily running for my office. When he sees me, he holds his arms out. I eat up the distance and scoop my baby brother into my arms.

“Emi,” I coo as I kiss the top of his head. “I missed you, hermanito.” Little brother.

“Javi! Pool!” he says, his pudgy fingers tugging at the knot on my tie.

I chuckle as I walk down the hallway with Alejandro on my heels. In the foyer, my father and his wife, Tania, stand looking weary from their travels. Father wears a three-piece suit and tie, which makes me glad I decided to wear one as well. He’s fussing over Tania as she tries to untangle her sunglasses from her long, inky black hair. My father is of my size and build, but he’s gone fully gray. His skin is tanner than mine as he spends a good portion of his time on the beach and by the pool. At fifty-two, he’s still a good-looking man. Always smiling and charismatic. It’s no wonder how he was able to rope such a hot looking wife.

“Javier,” Tania greets, her pouty lips forming a smile upon seeing me. “Come here, love.”

Emiliano wiggles out of my arms and takes off sprinting to explore more of the house. Camila, wearing her usual sour expression, chases after him. Tania pulls me into a hug, her fat fake tits smashed against my chest. She smells like one of the new perfumes I bought Rosa.

“How are you?” I ask.

She pulls away and smiles, her fake lashes batting against her cheeks. “Perfect as always. How is my favorite stepson?”

Father chuckles from behind her as he possessively pulls her back into his arms. I am of no threat to him with Tania, but she’s closer to my age than his. He doesn’t let her get far from him. Ever. She seems to prefer it that way as she melds against him.

“All is well in Acapulco,” I tell her with a grin.

Father kisses her head and then releases her to hug me. “I’ve missed you, mijo.”

I pat his back and then gesture to the open doors overlooking the backyard and ocean. “You must put your things away and relax after your travels. Everything is ready for your arrival.”