Ihave a thundering headache and a mountain of regret. But she’s home. Araceli walked in just as I finished my shift looking surprisingly refreshed. She assured me Marco Antonio wasn’t cruel to her. He took her to a safe house and interrogated her about me and Julio and what happened. Then, he took care of her until she was ready to come back.
After all four of us gushed over her return, I took her back to my room. She thanked me and promised me she was fine. I have no choice but to believe her.
“These,” Yolanda says as she reenters my room. Since we’re close in size, she’s taken it upon herself to be my personal stylist. The moment she found out Javier was taking me out, I thought she was going to faint. She hands me a pair of big gold hoops.
“I can’t wear these,” I whine. “They’re as big as my head.”
She laughs and ignores my protests as she sets to putting them in my ears. “It will draw his eyes to your neck.” After she gets them in, she lifts a questioning brow at me. “Have you slept with him?”
“Yolanda!” I cry out, embarrassment heating my flesh.
She shrugs. “We’re girlfriends. I know you’re our boss, but you’re like a big sister to us. Spill the details.”
My heart clenches in my chest. Truth be told, I’ve enjoyed letting her fix my hair and apply my makeup. It’s one of the most normal things I’ve ever done in my life. I’m so abnormal, it feels strange to be normal. I've spent so much time with vengeance in my future that I haven't stopped to enjoy the little things in the present. Like letting one of your girlfriends doll you up before a date.
“We haven’t even kissed.” I bite on my bottom lip.
“But,” she urges.
“But we’ve done other stuff,” I whisper. “Don’t tell the other girls.”
She smiles. “Your secret is safe with me. Does he have a big cock?”
A flush spreads over my skin. I’d gotten a glimpse of his cock this morning and also felt it as it rubbed against me. My job was to seduce him, but in reality, he’s the one who seduced me. “Of course he does. You can’t be someone like Javier Estrada and not back up that attitude and power with something worthwhile.”
“Did he go down on you?”
I close my eyes, but then I’m right there. With his hot breath tickling my center. Quickly, I pop my eyes open. “Yes.”
“Oh, God, you lucky bitch. He’s so dreamy.”
I want to chide her and remind her he’s a criminal, but I won’t expose myself even to her. “Very dreamy.” He’s a dreamy bad guy, that much I can admit.
“You’re going to have sex with him tonight. Did you shave your pussy cat?”
Laughing, I nod my head. “I’m good,” I assure her. “And why are you so sure I’ll have sex with him?” The thought makes my core throb. He’s the enemy and I have butterflies dancing in my belly at the thought of getting naked with him again.
“He’s taking you on a date, Rosa. He likes you. But he isn’t the type of man to not follow through all the way. You’re getting laid.”
“Maybe,” I say with a sigh. I walk over to the full-length mirror and hardly recognize myself. Yolanda lent me a white bandage dress that’s not only short but extremely fitted. It’s low cut and shows off everything. Cleavage. My curvy hips. Toned thighs. She’s curled my dark, chocolate-colored hair into loose beach waves that hang down in front of my shoulders. But it’s my face I hardly recognize. She’s given me fake lashes that make my eyelashes seem thicker and fuller and painted my lips matte red. I look like a movie star.
“Hot damn, mami. You’re looking so fine tonight.” Javier’s deep voice rumbles from the doorway.
I jerk my head his way and my mouth goes dry. He wears a pair of light gray slacks and a white button-up shirt. The top two buttons have been left undone, giving him a slightly casual look, especially with the way the sleeves are rolled partway up his arms. His gold watch is big and shiny, catching the overhead light and glimmering. I bet it costs more than any of his cars. Javier loves fashion. The ink on his forearms snakes out past the material and gives a sharp contrast to his sleek outfit. Dangerous yet impeccable. If his style had a name it’d be villain chic. His belt is black and has a texture like maybe snakeskin. On his feet, he wears a pair of shiny black dress shoes. When my eyes make their way back to his, he’s grinning at me, an incredibly hot dimple making itself known.
“You look pretty fine yourself,” I murmur, a genuine smile tugging at my lips.
Yolanda laughs but then slips out of the room, leaving us alone. Like a jaguar in the jungle, he prowls my way. His hands find my hips and I shiver.
“As much as I want to throw you down on your bed and have my way with you, I promised you a night out,” he utters, his thumbs running circles on my hips.
I gaze up at him, enjoying being the center of his attention. I’d thought seducing this man would be difficult. Turns out, it’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
Because he’s seducing you, Rosa…
Since we’re dressed nice, I expect to go eat at one of the fancy hotels along the ocean—one of the few undisturbed by crime places left in Acapulco. Instead, he drives me to the heart of the city. His men ride behind us in Marco Antonio’s Land Rover, but Javier is driving us in his 1957 cherry-red Chevrolet Thunderbird. It’s been completely restored and I’ve never been so in love with a car before. The radio plays a new up-and-coming Mexican band and Javier taps on the steering wheel as he sings along.