“I want to tell you something.”
She gestures as if to say,spit it out already.
“We ran Nathan’s DNA, and we found out he’s blood related to you. He’s not Enzo’s adopted son. He’s Enzo’sbiologicalson.”
Avery’s mouth drops open, the color fleeing from her face. “You’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
“How—” She looks away, shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter.” Her hands go to the elegant twist of her hair, and then her fingertips graze her lips. “I don’t know what this means for me.”
“I don’t know either, but I thought it was necessary information for you to have.”
Avery nods, silent.
“Avery, do you know where Rome is?”
She gulps, the sound echoing through the restroom, and I’m horrified to see tears spilling out of her eyes. Of course—she’s been on the verge of tears the whole time, only I’m just now seeing why. Avery allows herself three deep sobs and then straightens up. Her mascara hasn’t run, and her makeup still manages to look perfect.
“Nathan has him somewhere. I don’t know where he is.” Her voice wavers. “And if I don’t play my part as the doting wife, then Nathan will kill him.”
All the pieces come together in a macabre jigsaw puzzle. Avery’s blank, dead expression at the wedding. Nathan’s victorious one. The way she disappeared from view at the Capulet building and reappeared just when people were starting to talk about it. Laid out like this, it all makes sense. And it’s fucking horrifying.
“He’s the one, isn’t he?” I press her. “The XO Killer. The basement. It’s him.”
She nods, anguished.
“I’m going to help you.” I take both her hands in mine. “We’ll figure it out. I promise, Avery. You’re not alone in this. Okay?”
She nods, her eyes brimming with tears. But Avery is a consummate Capulet. She blinks twice and they’re gone, with no evidence remaining.
The bathroom door bangs open and heels click across the tile. I flatten myself behind the brick ledge in the accessible stall, thanking god that Capulet Tower has stupidly ornate bathrooms even for its employees.
“Avery?” Eliza Capulet’s voice has an edge to it. Avery’s lips press into a thin line, all the blood going out of them. “Nathan’s looking for you. He came to check—”
Avery pulls open the stall door and steps out. Where the hell did she get that paper towel? She dabs it at the corners of her lips. “Sorry. More vomit. It’s relentless.”
Eliza makes a cooing sound. “Must be a boy. They really make you work for it.” Her voice shifts somehow. “Or at least, that’s what I’m told. I’ve got a bottle of water here in my purse. You don’t want to drink from the bathroom sink.”
“Oh, thank you.” Avery sounds genuinely relieved. My lungs are starting to ache from holding my breath. “I should get back. Come with me? I feel a little dizzy, too. Is that a pregnancy thing?”
Eliza laughs. “I’m sure everything can be chalked up to a pregnancy thing. Have you thought about staying home until after the delivery? I’m sure Nathan wouldn’t mind. Everyone here would understand.”
The outer door opens and their voices fade away. My heart won’t stop thudding. I need to get back to the office and tell Isobel what I’ve learned, but first I need to get out of the women’s bathroom at Capulet Tower without being seen.
I count to ten, and when the door doesn’t open I make my run for it. When I get out into the hall I gape at the sign as if I’ve just stepped in and discovered that I’d mistakenly entered the wrong bathroom. I put a hand to my forehead and shake my head, and only then do I see if anyone’s here to witness my virtuoso performance.
There’s nobody. Thank god.
But far down the hall, I hear Nathan Capulet greeting his wife. And, I suppose, his captive.
“—down to the café,” he says. “Maybe some tea would settle your stomach.”
That’s this direction. I’m out.
Chapter Twenty