“I’m so fucking sorry about all of this…” He was repeating himself. I knew the second he came back to life, he would be the man I had always known, but he would have blood on his hands and a lot of it.
“Don’t be.” I placed my lips against his, sealing whatever apology he was going to come up with away. I didn’t want to hear about the bad things he had done. I wanted to live in the moment.
His lips ravished mine as he moved us to the nearest cement wall. Gone were his thoughts on the cameras, on the people who had placed us in here.
“I have prayed for years to feel your lips against my own again.” It was almost as if he was saying a silent prayer with his lips. My hand found its way into his hair, the dark locks weaving through my fingers.
“I love you,” he huffed out, his chest pressing against my own as he picked me up forcing me to wrap my legs around him. Unable to form words, I allowed him to kiss down my neck and over my chest. His body was doing funny things to my mind. I wanted him to take me, to fuck me in front of all these people. It didn’t matter to me anymore. I had waited so long for this to happen.
“Take me…” I begged. I just wanted him. The man he was right here, in this second, to make love to me. My body longed for him more than anything in the world. He pulled away, a mischievous smile on his face.
“Give me time, Mags. I’m not ready to take you yet, that is unless you want me to unleash everything out on you.” The thought excited me and frightened me at the same time. What if I lost him in the moment?
“I just missed you, I want you. I longed for your voice, your touch, your kisses, even your scent. You have no idea what it does to me to sit next to you and to know you’re in there somewhere, yet the man that is on display before me is unlike yourself.”
His hips ground into me, causing a delicious rush of pleasure to form inside of me. Words were lost as he nipped at my earlobe.
“Believe me, Maggie. I know what it’s like. I know what it’s like to watch from the inside and beat against the glass as hard as you can, begging yourself to remember. The fact I had to watch myself almost kill you…” His words cut off.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m sorry I brought it up.” I cursed myself for ruining the moment. Everything else in that second was completely fucked up. All I wanted was one joyous moment before it got worse.
“Never be sorry.” He cupped the side of my cheek. Apprehension settled deep into my belly. Not only was I uncertain of what the future was going to hold for Diesel and me, but I was terrified we wouldn’t even make it out of here alive.
“Step to the back of the cell.” A voice startled me as it boomed into the cell vibrating off the walls and bars. Immediately, Diesel removed his hands from me and shoved us against the nearest wall, his back to my front. Fury grew around us. It was as if they merely being near us fueled the beast inside of him. His hand shot back gripping my arm to hold me into place.
“Stay back,” he growled his voice animalistic. Trying as I may, I peeked through Killer’s arm and body, my mouth dropping open. On the opposite side of the bars stood Roger with someone behind him.
“Awe. Is Killer back to his usual self?” Roger began to goad him. I was unable to speak or process what was really happening.
“Wait, maybe I should call you Diesel now since that is your name, right? Which, by the way, since you decided to surprise us with your appearance on this fine day, I have a surprise for you, too. Did you tell him already, Mags?” Roger saying my name, using the very nickname Diesel always called me, caused my stomach to quake in fear. What was he going to try to do?
“Don’t. Don’t even utter her name again… You’re not worthy enough to even speak her name.” Diesel was on the verge of losing his temper as Killer teetered on the edge of his sanity. I felt like I was about to lose both of them.
“Put the claws away, macho. I have someone else here for you. Come on, Richard,” Roger said, gesturing for the man to move from behind him. My eyes locked on his face, and instantly, my blood turned cold.
“Dad?” I was so astonished that the air left my chest immediately as dread set in. What was my father doing here? Better yet, what was Roger doing ordering him around? He smiled softly as Roger turned around and gripped him by the arm, shoving him toward us. What a coward. Silence passed between all of us, and as my eyes came back to meet Roger’s, it was then I understood what he was doing. He was using us. Killer, my dad, and me.
“I never meant for things to get this out of hand. I never wanted any of this,” Dad cried out. He sounded like he was begging for forgiveness—but why? He hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Dad, I don’t—”
“What is going on, Maggie?” Diesel cut me off as I pulled away from him. His eyes zeroing in on me like prey, I could feel Killer’s presence entering and Diesel’s disappearing more and more.
“I don’t know.” I shook my head, confusion setting in.
“Isn’t this sweet? A family reunion.” Roger shoved my dad another step forward causing Killer to growl and my heart to drop into the pit of my stomach. Diesel was fading and fading fast. I could hear his teeth grinding together from the rage that was on the very surface of being unleashed.
“I don’t understand.” Diesel sounded conflicted as he fought internally against himself. I had no logical answer to what was going on. I was just as lost as he was.
“Oh, you mean she hasn’t told you yet?” Roger’s eyes promised hurt. My skin was crawling as he stared at me. I could feel Diesel pulling from me, my body growing cold at his absence.
“Wait I don’t—”
“Don’t lie, Maggie.” Roger laughed, his voice filling the small room. It echoed off the walls, causing a splitting ache to form in my head. He was framing me… turning us against each other.
“What is he talking about?” He turned around, facing me. Diesel no longer visible. He was no longer the man I had known just moments ago. He was Killer in all his bloody fucking glory. I wanted to hold my hands up in defense, to protect myself from this beast of a man who stood before me, but it was no use. If he wanted to hurt me, he would.
“I don’t even know.” I could feel my lip quivering, terror growing inside of me.