She’d given him that indulgent smile and left. He’d returned to the girls’ bedroom and watched them sleep for a few minutes, watched their tiny chests rise and fall in slumber. He’d been tempted to stay there forever doing just that, but he acknowledged Mei-li was right. So he’d fallen into his bed just before nine and slept dreamlessly.

Now he was awake and refreshed after eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, and he had only one thing on his mind. He dressed quickly, then hurried into the living room.

“Daddy!” Laurel, who was standing by the picture window, toddled to him as fast as her chubby legs could carry her.

“Daddy!” Linden dropped a Playskool truck, pushed herself unsteadily to her feet and made a beeline for him.

Is there a sweeter word in the whole world? Dirk thought as he first picked up Laurel, swinging her high over his head the way she loved and making her gurgle with laughter, then putting her down and doing the same for Linden.

Safe. That was all Dirk could think of as he settled onto the sofa with a daughter in each arm. He was hard-pressed not to clutch them tightly, as if he could keep them forever safe that way. His heart ached as they haltingly described in their childish terms everything they’d been through from the moment they’d been taken, and he swore no one would ever have the chance to kidnap them again. Even if it meant he went to jail himself, Terrell Blackwood would never be allowed to wreak his vengeance on Dirk via his daughters.

“Mr. DeWinter,” Vanessa said from the doorway to the kitchen. “I never got to tell you this morning, but I’m so happy the girls are safely back.”

“Me, too,” Chet said. Dirk hadn’t noticed him sitting in the living room until he spoke—all Dirk’s attention had been reserved for his daughters. But now that he’d seen Chet, Dirk couldn’t help think about Rafe and Mike. Couldn’t help remembering Mei-li asking, How did the kidnappers get your cell phone number?

It was over—he had his daughters back—but it wasn’t over. Not completely. Rafe or Mike? he wondered. Or Patrick. Which one?

“Rafe and Mike will be here at six,” Vanessa said. “We thought it would be great to have us all together to celebrate. I hope you don’t mind. I called room service, and they’ll deliver at six-thirty.”

“Not a problem,” he said, his mind still worrying the question. How was he going to find the answer? Neither kidnapper had talked, as far as he knew. So which one—Rafe, Mike or Patrick—had sold out his daughters?

Dirk’s iPhone rang, and for a heart-stopping moment he had a flashback of all the times it had been one of the kidnappers calling him. But then he realized it wasn’t the “unknown caller” ringtone, it was the one he’d set up for Mei-li. And only Mei-li.

“Excuse me,” he told Vanessa and Chet, reluctantly letting his daughters go and heading for the study as he answered. “So you’re awake, too?” he asked without preamble, shutting the door behind him.

“For more than an hour,” she replied. “Jason called me.” And there was something in her tone that told him whatever Jason had called her about, it wasn’t good.

* * *

Mei-li, Jason and Patrick arrived together a few minutes before six. Vanessa had already fed the girls their dinner, and when the trio arrived he told her quietly, “Take Linden and Laurel to their bedroom, please. Don’t come out for anything.” He couldn’t explain, but he wanted his daughters safe.

Vanessa cast him a frightened look, and he told her, “Just do it. Take Chet with you. And lock the door.”

When they’d left, he walked over to Patrick and said, “I apologize. I know it might not mean anything under the circumstances, but...I apologize for suspecting you.”

Patrick shook his head. “No apology necessary. Mei-li already explained.” He smiled faintly. “And if they were my daughters, I wouldn’t trust anyone, either. Not knowing what I know now.”

The doorbell rang.

“Showtime,” Dirk said under his breath, calling upon all his acting abilities to pin a smile on his face and greet the man who’d betrayed his trust. Who’d sold out his daughters for money. Dirk wanted to pummel him into bloody pulp, but he couldn’t. He had to open the door, welcome him in and let Mei-li take over.

“Mike. Rafe.” Dirk shook both their hands. “Come on in.”

Both men strode through the foyer into the living room. “Where are Linden and Laurel?” Rafe asked, betraying his surprise.