Is it really that simple? he thought as he measured coffee grounds into the filter, poured water into the coffeemaker and switched it on.

Is it really that simple? he asked himself as he stripped and stepped into the shower. He doused his head under the water and scrubbed vigorously, his thoughts swirling like the suds beneath his feet.

He was just drying off when he heard his iPhone ringing from the bedroom. He swiftly wrapped the towel around his waist and dashed for the phone, knowing by the “unknown caller” ring it couldn’t be anyone but the kidnappers. “Dirk DeWinter.”

“Nice job yesterday, Mr. DeWinter,” said a cold voice he recognized. “Four for four—you’re batting a thousand.”

“Just cut to the chase,” Dirk said roughly. “When am I going to get my daughters back?”

“There’s still the little matter of the rest of the money.”

“You know I’ll deliver it anytime, anywhere.”

“Ah, yes, about that. We want you to wire the money.”

Mei-li was right about that, too, he thought. But all he said was, “I can arrange that, no problem, but I’ll want another current picture of my daughters before I do.”

“Understood.” In the background was a sound—vaguely familiar—but then it ceased. Dirk waited, but he didn’t hear it again.

“So where do you want the money wired?”

“Don’t leave your suite,” the kidnapper answered. “Instructions will be forthcoming.”

Dirk was already dressed in black jeans and a matching, short-sleeved black polo shirt when Mei-li arrived. He hadn’t thought about the funereal aspect of his clothing until he caught sight of himself in the mirrored column in the study. He almost turned back to change, but the pealing of the doorbell stopped him.

When he saw Mei-li in the doorway, his second instinct was to kiss her. His first was to sweep her off her feet, carry her into his bedroom and make love to her until she confessed how much she loved him. But she’d chosen not to tell him for some reason, and he had to respect that. So he settled for satisfying his second instinct.

When he finally raised his head, he couldn’t help the unadulterated male possessiveness that surged through him at the sight of her bemused eyes, her rosy lips, the expression that said, Please don’t stop. Then she blinked and her expression changed. Her eyes gained focus. But her lips were still rosy.

“Good morning,” she said, as if they hadn’t already said their good mornings to each other earlier. Passionately. As if she hadn’t moaned his name the way he’d moaned hers.

She walked past him into the living room, dropped the purse and computer bag she’d carried slung over one shoulder onto the sofa, placed the take-out breakfast bag on the dining room table, then turned to face him. Her next words pushed his memories of last night and this morning into the realm of things he couldn’t afford to think about. “The parts to repair the plane have arrived in Hong Kong and will be delivered to the pilots this morning. Mechanics are standing by, waiting to make the necessary repairs.”

Dirk froze. “Which The kidnappers will smuggle my daughters out of Hong Kong today?”

“We have to operate as if that’s their intention. But I already told you, RMM won’t let that plane take off.”

“How—?” he began, but then he got it. “Sabotage.”

“I honestly don’t know. All the head of RMM would tell me is that the plane won’t leave Hong Kong with your daughters. He gave me his word.”

“If we don’t have to worry about the plane,” Dirk said slowly, “then we just have to locate where Linden and Laurel are being hidden and rescue them.” His eyes met Mei-li’s. “I don’t have a lot of faith that paying the ransom will accomplish anything, but I will pay it. I don’t have a choice.”

“I know.” She waved a hand at the breakfast on the table. “Let’s eat before it gets too cold. We can plan at the same time.”

“Coffee’s made,” Dirk said as he headed to the kitchen. “How do you take yours?” He poured coffee for both of them, and Mei-li shook her head when he offered cream and sugar. As they dug into the food a few minutes later, Dirk said, “One of the kidnappers called me earlier—the American who’s been calling me.” He took a long swallow of his black coffee. “He warned me not to leave the suite because instructions for wiring the ransom will be delivered here, just like the notes yesterday. Yeah,” he admitted before Mei-li could speak. “You were right. They want the other nineteen million wired somewhere.”