“Deanna, I’m only kidding. Take a deep breath.”
What he didn’t know was that hearing his voice had helped some, but it still didn’t solve her current issue. “She needed fresh milk and she needed is a.s.a.p.
“I know you are,” she sighs. “It’s just that things are going better than I ever expected them to. I don’t want to let anyone down.”
“How much longer are you planning to stay open today?” Gavin looks at his watch to check the time.
“That’s just it. They were lined around the building almost an hour before we were set to open. I felt so bad for everyone standing out in the cold, that I opened a little earlier. And they’re still filing inside. At one point, we had two lines. Luckily, I was able to get it back down to one, but I know the guys are going to need a break. They’re doing fabulous, though.”
“That’s fantastic!: he exclaims. “I have one more stop to make after this one. I can probably be by there around noon. Do you think you’ll be okay until then?”
Nodding her head, Deanna mumbles. “I think so.”
“I’ll bring a fresh crate to the front as soon as I get there.”
“You’re the best.”
“Deanna, can I tell you something?”
“I never stopped loving you. The day you left, I never gave up that you’d eventually find your way back.”
Deanna grows silent. Though everything was happening faster than she’d ever imagined, she had to admit, she’d never stopped caring for him either. Yes, she had been committed to Don and would never have done anything to jeopardize what they had once had, but there was something about that first love…
“I’ll see you soon, Gavin.”
Deanna is greeted with lots of smiling faces and happy customers when she rounds the corner. There’s no better feeling than hearing all the positive comments coming from every single person.
When things finally start to settle down, she leans against the counter and looks around. One table sits empty over in the corner.
The front door opens and she watches as the woman scurries over to claim the vacant space. The gentleman she’s with slips off his coat and drapes it over his arm as he makes his way up to the counter.
“Can I help you?” she asks, but the smile on her face is quickly replaced by a frown. “Don, what are you doing here?”
Chapter Eleven
Gavin takes the crate of red top milk and walks thru the swinging doors to the front. Deanna happens to be busy taking an order at the counter, so he slips the jugs of milk inside the cooler without bothering her.
He stops, though, when he overhears her call the man by his name.
At first, she hadn’t wanted to talk about her ex-husband or her failed marriage, but she’d eventually gotten it off her chest. The last thing he would do is judge her, even though she’d done nothing wrong.
Seeing the strained look on her face, he isn’t quite sure what to make of the conversation between them. He manages to slip away without her seeing him and he disappears out the back door.
Why would her ex be here in Tahoe? Had he come for her Grand Opening? Had he come to congratulate her? Was he here to try and win her back?
Gavin wasn’t a bitter person by any means, but he didn’t want to come between Deanna and Don. If the two of them were trying to work things out…
Chapter Twelve
“Want me to grab this order for you?” Marilyn asks after she jots the customer’s name of the side of the cup.
“No, I’ll get it.” Aggravated that she’d let her ex intimidate her so, she snatches the jug of milk out of the cooler and pours it into the decanter. Of all the times for Don and his new fling to be on vacation. Couldn’t they have picked a different place to go than here?
Instead of the four pumps of caramel that she’s supposed to put into each cup, she pumps out seven, or maybe it’s eight into each one. And just for good measures, she gives an added pump without anyone noticing. Except for Marilyn, who gives her a puzzled look.