Page 80 of Taming Dahlia

“What kind of rumors, sir?”

“Troubling ones, if they turn out to be true.”

He didn’t sound angry and yet, I had a very bad feeling about this.

The Don placed his hands on the desk, intertwining them. “Do you remember the girl Francesco had sent a couple of months ago?”

At those words, I felt my heart fall to my feet.

He knew.

I tried my best to keep a straight face and not give anything away.

“It appears that she may somehow still be alive,” the Don led on, his eyes boring straight into me. “I don’t suppose you might know anything about that.”

If he was asking me about it now, that meant he had his suspicions.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he already knew and this was just a test.

“Yes, sir. That’s true. She’s still alive,” I confessed, knowing better than to lie to him. If there was even the sightless possibility that he knew the truth, lying to him was the worst decision one could make at the moment.

“Can you tell me why that is?” the Don asked, voice calm.

That was the thing about him, wasn’t it? He never got fucking angry.

Never raised his voice, never glared or bared his teeth, and that was what made him the most dangerous man in the room. You never knew what was going to happen next. He could pour you a cup of tea or he could shoot a bullet through your skull.

I doubted that he’d kill me, but he could always throw me in the dungeons and make me remember why even thinking about crossing him had been a bad idea.

“You ordered us to dispose of her, but as you hadn’t specified anything else, we assumed it would be fine if we had some fun with her prior to that. We apologize if we overstepped.”

King would have been proud of the way I was maneuvering through the conversation. He had always been the one with the silver tongue, but I thought that I was handling myself pretty well.

“We’ve kept her locked inside the house and she doesn’t have any contact with the outside world.”

Again, not really a lie.

Lying to his face the second time probably wouldn’t be the best course of action at the moment.

“Then you believe that she isn’t involved in the attack that you suffered from the previous week.”

“No sir, that would have been impossible.”

We still didn’t know how Francesco had come to learn of our location, but I was sure that she had nothing to do with it.

I’d heard the way she spoke about Francesco. The only thing she wanted more than her freedom was for him to die an excruciating death.

The Don leaned back in his armchair. “Very well then, I’ll see about informing the three of you about what your punishment will be.”

I nodded, keeping my mouth shut and my back straight.

A punishment was fine.No— in fact, a punishment was the best possible outcome.

It sure beats being dead.

“Get rid of her, Alessio. For real this time. Do not disappoint me,” the Don said, in the most serious manner I’d heard from him all evening.

I bowed my head again before taking my leave.