The Don didn’t know I was still alive! That was a pretty important piece of information to be aware of.
Jack and Ace simultaneously turned their heads in King’s direction.
King opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “I honestly thought that you already knew,” he finally settled on saying, his voice weak.
I couldn’t decide whether to slap myself across the forehead or lean over and give him a good smack.
“So you just forgot to tell me…”
King very visibly winced. “Sorry. I swear that I thought you already knew.”
I held back a sigh. “It’s fine…” Then I stopped for a moment to think.
Actually, on second thought…
“No actually, this is perfect. He doesn’t know that I’m still alive! That means that this will be much easier to pull off.”
The Don wasn’t going to go around looking for ghosts.
As long as I remained unseen by the wrong eyes and crossed the border with a new identity, there was little chance of this getting back to him.
I could already see myself sitting on a plane, flying to Bora Bora.
The sun would be warm on my skin, the cocktail cold in my hand.
The only thing that was going to be missing was well…them.
A hollowness settled in my chest, making it hard for me to breathe. With more than ten thousand miles between us, it would be very easy for them to forget all about me.
I didn’t know why I was even thinking about that.
Staying here with them was impossible.
I would never give up my freedom for anything, not even for them… no matter how much I liked them.
Hell, maybe the distance would offer me a new perspective. It could potentially change the way I was feeling right now. Perhaps this connection I felt to them existed only because I was scared to be alone again. No one had shown this much care for me in such a long time.
“Wait a second.” I held up my hand, trying to trick myself into thinking about something else. “Does that mean that you lied to your boss for me before we even officially met?”
Ace opened his mouth to say something but I gave him a look.
“And no, that little torture session doesn’t count.”
Their eyes met for a brief moment before all three of them shrugged.
I placed a hand on my chest, pretending that I was swooning. And I wasn’t even completely faking it. “That’s so sweet.”
Didn’t every girl dream of a prince on a white horse —ahem… of three princes on white horses — coming to rescue her?
Or it could be that my shitty upbringing had twisted my sense of romance so much that I found a scenario like this one strangely romantic.
Dammit, here I was thinking about them in that light again.
I really needed to stop doing that.
Jack very pointedly cleared his throat. “Can we go back to the business at hand now? There are still some things left to discuss.”