Page 8 of Taming Dahlia

Even if the pain was unimaginable, I knew I could continue to hold on for a long time. We could keep this going for a long while until I eventually broke.

But was there anything even worth holding on for? I was dead either way.

And I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of torturing me any longer. Not for that fucker, anyway.

I nodded my head, and the cloth was quickly ripped off my mouth.

“Francesco—” I croaked, my voice raw and breaking as I gasped for air. “Francesco Gemelli sent me. Now fucking kill me already.”

A voice tutted over my head, and those formerly gentle fingers gripped my hair tightly.

“Now, now. That isn’t for you to decide, is it?”

My head was forcibly jerked backward, and I felt yet another needle piercing my skin. I wanted to cry out, to trash around and curse at them, but I only had enough strength to close my eyes.

“That is forusto decide.”

Those dreadful words were the last thing I heard before everything in front of me went dark once more.



The girl’s breathing slowly began to even out, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Small droplets of sweat trailed down the side of her face, but other than that, her peaceful expression gave no other signs that she had been screaming in pain mere minutes ago. Her cheeks had a pinkish hue, but her eyes had stubbornly remained dry throughout the whole ordeal, even as her voice wobbled and broke.

I cut through the ropes binding her hands and feet, being careful not to nick her skin. As she started to fall forward, I quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and gently guided her back into the chair.

“You went a little easy on her, didn’t you?” Jack’s voice caught my attention.

“Easy for you, I mean,” he elaborated, and Ace laughed without a hint of shame in his voice.

“So, I got a little too invested in the view. Sue me.”

He squatted down in front of the girl and gently brushed aside the sweaty strands of blonde hair that were sticking to her forehead.

“I mean, can you blame me?”

I didn’t know about Jack, but I sure as hell couldn’t.

When I watched her make all those riveting little expressions and noises, I had gotten so caught up in the moment that the interrogation had almost slipped my mind.

“Your drug was going to make her talk, either way,” I remarked, frowning when I noticed a slight tremble in her shoulders.

No surprise there.

The cold air was biting and she was still half naked. Unfortunately, I didn’t have anything warm at hand to put over her.

“What are we going to do about her now?” Jack questioned as he helped Ace put his tools away, since it seemed that he was more interested in playing with the girl’s hair than doing it himself.

I took a moment to look at her unconscious form, the question weighing heavily on my mind.

Whatdowe do about her now?

There was really only one possible answer, and yet…

“The Don said that we just need to find out who sent her, so the job is pretty much done— “

“I want her,” I interrupted Ace, my tone final.