Page 23 of Taming Dahlia

It was quiet for a couple of moments until her voice broke through the stillness behind the door.

“Alright. You can come in.”

I turned the door handle, pushing the door open, and a sweet and fragrant aroma filled the air, reminding me of the scent of blooming flowers.

Given that I’d been expecting her to be brushing her teeth or combing her hair, I was taken aback by the sight of her relaxing in a bathtub filled to the brim with bubbles, with only her head and the top of her shoulders peeking out.

Not knowing whether to step in or out, I quickly averted my eyes and cleared my throat. “I can wait for you outside.”

“It’s fine,” she sighed, and I could hear water splashing as she moved. “You’re already here, so you might as well tell me what you wanted to talk about.”

Remaining firmly attached to the door, I slowly raised my gaze, making sure to keep my eyes fixed above her head.

“I wanted to apologize for earlier…”

Ludovica cocked her head, and my gaze instinctively followed the graceful curve of her neck.

Eyes up, boy.I hastily reminded myself.

“Apologize for what?”

Right… I was in the middle of giving her an apology.

It seemed that trying to stop myself from looking like a creep in front of her and talking at the same time was an impossible task for me. I ordered myself to concentrate.

“I shouldn’t have been that… rough with you today.”

Ludovica’s hand broke the surface of the water to wave it nonchalantly around in the air. “It’s fine, really.”

The bathtub was filled with so many bubbles that the motion didn’t show even the slightest glimpse of something.

I didn’t know if I was disappointed by that or just really fucking thankful.

Why did we have to do this right now, again?

It was challenging to sound very sincere when I was simultaneously trying my hardest to keep my thoughts innocent and pure.

“Injuries happen when you train,” she resumed, completely unconcerned about having the sole thing separating her naked form from my gaze being only a flimsy layer of bubbles. “I hope that you had a look at that bite mark of yours as well.”

I had maybe spent too much time just looking at it, to be completely honest. The bite had turned an angry red color, teeth marks clearly visible on my skin. When I brushed my fingers over it, it was tender and aching beneath my fingertips. There was a small chance that I spent an excessive amount of time simply touching it, but there was no one who could prove it.

“I did. It’s nothing, only a scratch.”

Ludovica let out a soft, barely audible hum, and the water rippled around her again as she raised her arms to rest them on the edge of the tub.

I had to admit that she certainly made quite a picture.

Her hair was safe from the water, put up in a high, messy ponytail and secured with a claw clip. She appeared to be completely at ease, her face bare in a peaceful and relaxed expression, her eyes closed.

It was the first time I had seen her this unarmored in my presence, without all the usual suspicion and apprehension that normally overshadowed our encounters.

Although I would have liked to spend more time looking at her like this, I knew that I had to leave. I said everything that I had to say, and I was grateful to hear that she didn’t hold any hard feelings about what happened earlier.

I took a step back. “I’m going to let you— “

“Can you help me wash my hair?” she interrupted, her eyes fluttering open.

This wasn’t what I had expected to hear.