Page 21 of Taming Dahlia

It was at that moment when the sound of hands coming together in light, rhythmic claps reached my ears.

I looked up to find Ludovica sitting up on the stairs, observing us with visible interest. When her eyes met mine, a smile curled on her lips as she stood up to her feet.

“Does the winner care to go for a round with me?” she asked as she descended the stairs.

After having taken a brief second to catch my breath, I gave her a nod. “Of course.”

Jack’s eye-roll didn’t go unnoticed as he stepped off the mat and reached down to grab a water bottle.

Ludovica hopped down from the last step. “Any rules?”

“No weapons. No dirty tricks like biting or scratching. No permanent damages…” After taking a moment to contemplate, I also added, “And I also won’t take it too kindly if you try to gauge my eyes out or anything of the sort.”

She smirked as she started to circle around me. “Of course not.”

Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to allow her to get this close to me in a scenario where violence was expected, but I was curious to see what she got. I was sure that I could subdue her if she got any other ideas, anyhow.

Jack had also remained standing by the sidelines, no doubt curious about it as well.

Ludovica observed me with catlike intensity for a couple of moments, her entire body tense and ready, anticipating my first move. I decided to let her have it, and I skipped backward when she made the first swipe for me.

It went on like that, with her attacking and me blocking her attempts. I could tell from the way she moved that she was a fighter, with a grace and precision that can only come from years of drilling and training.

I made an effort to keep the tone of the fight light, treating it more like a training session, but it was soon very obvious that she wasn’t satisfied with that. I could feel the anger radiating off of her with each hit, the force behind them growing harder and stronger.

“Come on! Fight me for real!” she demanded, and I barely jerked out of the way before her fist flew towards me, the air shifting as her knuckles flew past my face.

I clenched my jaw.

Alright then.

If Ludovica wanted a real fight, she was going to get one.

Distantly, I was aware that Jack was still sitting by the sidelines watching us, but I narrowed all of my focus onto her, forgetting about everything else.

My fist darted out and Ludovica immediately moved to block what would have been a weak blow to the stomach, doing exactly what I had planned for her to do. As soon as she moved, I took advantage of her distraction and kicked at her leg, making it buckle underneath her. She hit the ground with her knee, butshe didn’t so much as hesitate before she swept her leg around and knocked my legs out from underneath me.

I landed on top of her, sending us both sprawling on the thin mat. She struggled to get away, but I managed to hold her down and pin her wrists above her head before her forehead suddenly slammed into my nose.

I reeled back as sharp pain shot throughout my face like lightning. I felt her trying to squirm away from my grasp so I tightened my hold over her wrists again, fighting against the instinctive urge to squeeze harder.

“Give up, yet?”

At my question, Ludovica lunged forward, trying to headbutt me once more, but I quickly reacted and drew my head back.

“Go fuck yourself,” she hissed and in an unexpected move, she leaned in, so close to my face that I could feel the warmth of her breath on my cheek.

I was so caught off guard by the action that I didn’t even realize what she was doing until a second later, when my left shoulder flared up in a sudden burst of pain.

As her teeth sank deeper into my flesh, no doubt breaking the skin there, an involuntary groan escaped me. My blood rushed through my ears, and my cock gave a treacherous twitch. I forced myself to move and released her wrists in order to wrap my hands around her neck.

I was not as gentle about it this time around as I shoved her back into the mat and pinned her there with a grip that she could not that easily break free from. I leaned in close, hoping that she’d write off the hoarseness of my voice to the pain, and not something else.

“What did I say about biting?”

She pulled at my wrists, but my grip was iron-tight, making her gasp the more she tried to struggle. Her hips buckedupwards as she strained to push me off, but I pressed my body more firmly down on her, keeping her in place.

I could feel her heartbeat fluttering wildly beneath my palms as I spoke, my voice sounding far more affected than I would have liked. “If I let you go, will you be good?”