Page 18 of Taming Dahlia

I stared blankly at the now black, lifeless screen.

“Looks like we have the house all to ourselves tonight.”

Blondie let out a groan as she stretched her arms over her head. “Put in the dog house, are you?” she said with an air of nonchalance. “They really trust you so little?”

Sly little minx.

“Are you trying to turn us against each other now?” I couldn’t help but laugh, the warehouse problem forgotten for a moment. “Because I have to say, you can do a lot better than that.”

Blondie shrugged and propped the book back on her ribs.

Seeing that I was free for the rest of the evening, I got myself more comfortable on the couch and replaced the phone in my hand with the TV remote. I flipped through the channels, only paying them half a mind. It was Blondie that was really holding most of my attention.

I could truly see where King was coming from.

Long blonde hair, big blue eyes, great body — what was there not to like?

I tried not to ogle too obviously at her bare legs, sending a silentthank youto whoever it was that invented shorts this short.

But while she was pretty to look at, to be sure, I still couldn’t entirely understand what King had been thinking when he spared her life. It didn’t seem like Blondie paid any particular attention to him, or that he even minded, and I had to admit that this situation was out of character for him.

It wasn’t very often that he decided to do things on a whim.

King was a practical man — not as much as Jack, but then again, I suppose that no one was. King was a long-term thinker with a cool head on his shoulders. For all the years that I’d known him, I never would have pegged him as someone who might be swayed at the sight of a pretty face, no matter how lovely it was.

After some time, I started to get bored with speculating about what might be going on inside King’s head, so I turned my attention back to Blondie.

“You like reading?” I asked, at a loss of how else to start up the conversation again. It wasn’t like I knew anything else about her.

Blondie flipped over another page. “It’s not like there’s anything else I could do in this place.”

Ouf.There was definitely a clear undertone of bitterness in her voice.

I let out a sigh, deciding that maybe it was better for me to just stay quiet. I looked away and rose to my feet, before making my way over to the kitchen to grab a cold beer.

“Bring me one, too.” I heard Blondie toss behind me.

I grabbed another bottle from the cooler and headed back to where she was sitting.

“Cheers,” she said as I handed it to her. She tilted her head back and took a long swig from the bottle.

I sunk back on the couch and followed her suit, the cold beer providing a refreshing relief to my thirst. I let out a contented breath. I continued to watch TV, and Blondie would let out an amused little huff once in a while at whatever she was reading.

“You seem to be in a better mood than usual,” I felt the need to comment, sending a cheeky grin in her direction. “Or did you finally warm up to me?”

She cocked her head to the side, the rim of the beer bottle pressing against her bottom lip. “Sure. Or much as I can warm up to someone who tortured me with electricity for information.”

I didn’t even try to subdue my laughter. “Oh, don’t tell me that you’re still salty about that. I even went easy on you.”

All things considered, I probably shouldn’t have gone easy on her at all, but she had been making all of those delicious hurt little noises, and I just couldn’t help myself. It was too bad that she gave in so quickly. I’d been planning to prolong our littlesession for at least an hour or two longer… and then maybe we could have even gone on to try some other stuff, too…

Blondie’s brows furrowed in a frankly, very adorable way. “How would you like it if I did that to you?”

I leaned in, lowering my voice to a near-whisper as if I was telling her a secret. “If you ask me really nicely, I might just let you.”

She gave me a brief side glance before shaking her head and turning her attention back to the book. “Nah, I don’t think so. You’d probably be into that.”

Chuckling, I drew myself away and brought the beer bottle back to my mouth. I continued to flip through the channels and after a while, I started to feel pleasantly buzzed. Blondie matched my pace, beer for beer. I slowly began to feel that I was passing over the line of tipsiness into being full-out drunk, so I tried to call quits and move to my room.