“Our prisoner had confessed. She admitted that Francesco Gemelli had sent her.”
The Don’s inscrutable expression didn’t show whether he was surprised or not, and he only let out a noncommittal hum at the news.
Even after knowing him for all these years, I still wasn’t able to decipher all of his little tells. It wasn’t a coincidence that most people said he was made out of stone, cold and emotionless.
“What would you like us to do about the girl?” I resumed, fearing that if he wanted to make an example out of her, I wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it. Fortunately, it appeared that he didn’t have any interest in that.
“Get rid of her,” he dispassionately instructed, before turning his attention back to whatever he had been in the middle of reading before I came.
I bowed my head before quietly taking my leave.
When I made my way back to the dungeons, I saw that Jack and Ace had made themselves scarce. The only person in the cell was the girl, who as soon as I entered, turned her head towards me and scrutinized me with untrusting, narrowed eyes. At least now she had a blanket draped over her, and there was an unopened water bottle placed down at her feet.
“What is it now?” she asked, voice hoarse. “There’s no need for whatever you’ve planned next. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”
I leaned against the wooden desk, curiously observing her for a moment. “You’re giving up so easily?”
The corners of her mouth curved upwards in a mean smile. “What would be the point? We both know what happens in the end.”
“Oh, you’d be surprised.” I drummed my fingers on the table. “What happens next depends entirely on us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” the girl asked, a look of discomfort briefly flickering across her features.
“It means that the Don gave you over to us to do as we please, and what I want to do is to… keep you, let’s say, for the lack of a better word.”
“Keep me?” she repeated, sounding like she couldn’t make sense of the words. Maybe I should have waited a little longer before speaking to her. She still seemed to be slightly out of it.
The girl immediately started to shake her head. “Nah, I don’t want to play this game. Just kill me and get this over with already.”
Tsking, I stepped forward until I was standing in front of her. “You’re really bad at listening, aren’t you? What did Ijustsay?”
I grabbed her by the chin, making her glare up at me.
“Youdon’t get to decide.”
“So what, you want me to be your slave or something?” she angrily spat out, and I let go of her face.
“No, nothing of the sort. You’ll just be staying with us, keeping us company.”
“Company? You want me to keep you company?” She laughed disbelievingly, the sound containing an ugly edge to it.
Her hair was a mess of tangles and knots, her face pale and taut with dark pronounced circles under her eyes, and yet there was still a flicker of fire brimming in them.
“Fine, alright. I’ll play. I’ll keep you company, “ she eventually said, accentuating the last word like it was something particularly foul.
I didn’t know if she believed me or not, but that didn’t matter right now. She’d see it later for herself, anyhow.
I stepped back to lean against the desk once more, and she watched me for a couple of seconds in silence. I wondered what was going on inside her pretty little head.
“What do I call you, anyway?” she finally asked, and it looked like the fight had thankfully left her for the moment.
“You can call me King,” I said, and she let out a little, amused snorting sound.
“That can’t be your real name.”
“It’s not, but that’s what I’m called. It’s better not to give out your real name around here.”
She hummed, and some of the tension seemed to seep out of her body as she let out a resigned sigh.