Page 90 of Cry Wolf

“I’ve been wondering when we’d have a more in-depth conversation about that.” The hint of a smile tugged at his lips.

“Oh really?” Surprised, she didn’t know if she liked the way he’d said that.

“Yes. Don’t go getting your feathers all kerfuffled. Let me explain.” He paused.


“It’s a word.”

She chuckled. “I know. It just sounded strange coming from you.”

“Look.” He turned toward her in his seat. “I wanted you to be the one to bring up where we are in our relationship. For so many years, you avoided me, with good reason, I might add. Also, I let you down when you were first arrested and convicted. And to be honest, I was afraid of what you would say, and as long as we didn’t address it, I could pretend that we’d just keep seeing each other, relying on each other without having to put a name to it.”

She reached over and took his hand. “Don’t you think we need to?”

“Probably.” He’d said it like he dreaded what would follow.

She let go of his hand and rubbed her palms over her pant legs. “You’ve never said how you feel about me.”

“But you know.” He tilted his head.

“That’s just it. I think I do, but with all the turmoil we’ve lived through and the future up in the air, I’m not sure. I don’t want to go on thinking one thing and have you thinking another. We should be on the same page.” She glanced at the Tylers’ house. “And why I’m going into this just before being with my son for the first time since he’s been born, I don’t know. I must be losing my mind.” She hung her head, her thoughts jammed together like packed snow.

Brett’s finger lifted her chin until she looked him in the eyes. “Dania, I love you. When you got the drop on me up on Bear Tooth Pass, those feelings began to stir, and they’ve grown stronger with each passing day. I will always be here for you and your son, even if you handcuff me to a tree and make me wait for you in a forest. I’m yours.” He leaned over the console until their noses nearly touched. His breath fanned her cheeks.

Her heart fluttered. As his lips softly, tenderly touched hers, a tingling came over her skin and curled her insides. This was what she’d wanted. This was what she’d missed. This was what she’d yearned to have for the rest of her life. The love of a good man.

Her arms automatically went around his neck as she tried to melt into his embrace. But the console between them pulled them out of the moment.

“Maybe we’d better try this kiss again later, when we can do it right.” He pulled away. “But does that tell you where we are?”

“Yes.” Relief and joy gave her renewed energy.

“Okay, let’s go in and see your son, shall we?” He waited, as if wanting her to take the lead.

She nodded and opened the car door. She met him in front of the Pathfinder, and he took her hand in his as they walked up to the Tyler mansion.

The door opened before she rang the bell.

Walter stood before her. He had a few more gray hairs. Dark circles underscored his eyes, but a tentative smile lightened his face. He wore slacks and a golf shirt, which surprised Dania. In the few times she’d seen him, he’d always had on a suit. “I was wondering if you two were ever coming in. Carol and Jacob are in the sitting room.”

Dania and Brett stepped into the foyer.

Walter closed the door behind them, but instead of leading them down the hall, he stood there. “Dania, I have to say this. That day you came to see me years ago, right after you and Matthew got married, I was full of rage. I felt like Matthew chose you over his own flesh and blood. I added that hurt to the bitterness that has been passed down in my family for decades. But after learning the truth of how Matthew died”—his eyes welled up with tears—“and knowing the prejudice I had against you and how I believed in your conviction, I just...” His face pinched and turned bright red. He took several deep breaths, and when he calmed down, he continued. “I’m sorry for everything: for not welcoming you to our family, for not listening to you, and”—he choked up—“for believing that you could kill my son.” He bit at his bottom lip.

Though a very small part of her wanted to tell him she could never forgive him, after seeing how humble he’d become, she didn’t have it in her. So many people had been hurt over the years. It was time to heal. Walter’s heartfelt apology was what she and Matthew had yearned to hear. She didn’t know what to say.

Tell him I forgive him.Matthew’s voice spoke in her mind. A shiver breathed over her skin. The words were a gift to help mend the ugly rift between them all. Dania cleared her throat. “I forgive you, Walter. But even more importantly, I know Matthew forgives you too.”

The tears in Walter’s red-rimmed eyes spilled down his cheeks. He swiped them away with the back of his hand.

Brett’s arm came around Dania’s waist, giving her much-needed support.

Walter cleared his throat. “Thank you. I judged you so wrongly. Matthew must have told Vanessa about our strained relationship. She’s a cunning woman. I’m just glad she had no idea that I took Matthew’s planner. I showed it to Sheriff Kennard. He was okay with me having it. I wanted something of my only son’s. In the long run, I think it helped find his real killer. The authorities used DNA from his autopsy and found out that the assassin’s name was Burt Hill. He lived in Denver. ” His bottom lip quivered.

As though not wanting to dwell on the man who had caused so much pain, Brett said, “I’m glad you lent Matt’s planner to me. Did you get it back? Vanessa took it from us.”

“Yes.” He rubbed an eyebrow. “Her secretary took good care of it.”