Page 77 of Cry Wolf

Chapter Thirty-One

Dania stared at the revolverin Hayley’s shaking hand. “Where did you get that gun?”

“Being single, I keep this one in my bedroom in case someone breaks in. The shotgun stays out here.” She brought her other hand up to the weapon, stopping her shaking. “Forgive me, but I have to look out for my son. I can’t have Val’s old girlfriend getting in the way.”

“That would never happen.” Dania glanced at the shotgun on the wall. She knew how to use it but didn’t want to escalate the situation; plus, it might not have bullets in it. What she needed to do was try to talk some sense into Hayley. “Like I told you, I broke up with him years ago.”

“That doesn’t matter.” She scoffed. “Val wants you. Not me. And he wants to know where you are. He offered me ten grand if I found you. The way he was going on, I knew he’d never come back to me.” Hayley rubbed her temple. “He’s a complex man.” Her index finger slid to the trigger. “Last night, I was planning to kill you. But today, I have other plans. You’re worth more to me alive. Your father-in-law is offering a hundred grand to anyone who helps the police find you. And imagine what the AG will say when he learns that his son’s friend has been your partner.”

Flabbergasted, Dania struggled to take in Hayley’s betrayal. “Why would you do that to Brett? All he’s done is help you.”

“Doesn’t matter now. What you said before was true. I need child support. What better way to get it than to turn you in? I sent a message to the chief deputy marshal. He’s on his way here right now.”

The walls of the small room closed in. Dania stared at the gun in Hayley’s hands. With Gabe on his way, she needed to get out of here and fast. She really didn’t think Hayley had it in her to shoot, but she’d misjudged her before. Dania didn’t have very many options. Hayley had actually listened to her once; maybe she’d listen to her again. “I understand.”

“You do?”

“Sure I do.” Dania rose. “If I were in your shoes, I’d probably do the same thing because there’s nothing more important than taking care of your child.” A flash of seeing her son with Carol Tyler came to mind. She had to get away to see him one last time. She inched toward the door.

Hayley stood. “Don’t try making a run for it. I will shoot. I know how.”

“I believe you. But I don’t think you want to, or you would have already.” She took a step.

“You’re right. I don’t want to. But I rarely get to do what I want.” She gave a nervous chuckle and took a couple of breaths, as though to calm herself.

“What do you mean?” Another step.

At that moment, the baby started to cry, drawing Hayley’s attention.

Dania charged Hayley, knocking the gun from her hands.It skittered across the vinyl floor and came to rest under the couch. While Hayley scrambled for the weapon, Dania fled out the door.

Hurrying down the cinder-block steps from the deck, she ran to the dirt road leading to the main highway and abruptly stopped.

A black Chevy Tahoe, the same one she’d seen at Brett’s grandmother’s, was heading toward her. That had to be Gabe.

Dania whipped around, racing behind the trailer. She couldn’t stay here. Scanning her surroundings, she found the forest butted up against the backyard.

The woods beckoned to her. She sprinted for the pines.

* * *

As Brett drove to the Wheelers’ office, he called Gabe’s cell phone to check in. “So, what’s going on?” his boss asked. He wasn’t one to waste time with hello, especially when he already knew who was calling him.

“I’ve got a solid lead I’m following that might help me solve who really killed Matt. What do you know about a corporation called Blue Skies?”

“Never heard of them. Why?” Gabe sounded a little irritated.

“Three years ago, they were trying to buy as many ranches as they could, even went so far as to try hostile takeovers. Could you have BB look into them?” He knew this was asking a lot, especially since they were understaffed right now.

Gabe cleared his throat. “I’m not in the office right now. Coop and Char are transporting Big Bertha to another facility, so BB is the only one there. Call her and ask.”

If Brett were somehow able to prove Dania didn’t kill Matt, and if he could still keep his job after the dust settled, he was going to owe everyone in the office big-time. “Thanks! I will. How’s Olivia?”

“Believe it or not, she’s coming home today.” Gabe sighed. “She hates being in the hospital. You know how she is.”

One time when he and Olivia had been on a job and she’d dislocated her shoulder, she’d refused to let him take her into the emergency room. Instead, she’d talked him through how to set it. She was one tough cookie.

An idea suddenly came to him. He could trust Olivia with his life, and she would always have his back. Maybe he could take Dania and Hayley to her place to hide until things blew over. Val wouldn’t look for them there.