Page 68 of Cry Wolf

She laid him on his back on the bed, covered his nose and mouth with hers and gave a light rescue breath, then looked at his chest, hoping to see it rise.

Still nothing.

His skin turned bluer.

Again, a rescue breath. She checked the chest. No movement.

This is not happening. This child has to live.

She automatically repeated the motions, and finally, after what seemed an eternity, the baby shuddered, inhaled, exhaled, and started to cry.

Relief flooded Dania as she marveled at the life before her, her eyes stinging with sudden tears.

A blessed baby.

She couldn’t help but think of her own child, how she’d cuddled him for only a moment before he had been whisked away. That wouldn’t happen here. “Hayley, open your shirt so I can lay the baby on you. Skin against skin will keep him warm and help trigger the release of oxytocin that will help contract your uterus so you can deliver the placenta.”

Brett stepped away as Hayley unbuttoned her shirt.

Dania laid the infant on the mother’s chest and then gently placed a clean towel over them, making sure to leave the tiny head exposed so he could breathe. Then she grabbed the string and scissors. “I need to get ready for the third stage of delivery.”

“Third stage? What’s that?” Brett tore his gaze away from mother and child to look at Dania.

“Taking care of the placenta, which will happen anytime now.” Dania checked Hayley. It was coming. She grabbed the bucket, placing it close to the bed.

“I feel more pressure down there.” Concern filled Hayley’s words.

“It’s okay. Give a little push.” Dania caught the afterbirth in the bucket.

She watched as the umbilical cord’s pulsing grew shorter and shorter. She grabbed the string and cut off two lengths, then quickly tied the cord in two places. Grabbing the scissors, she cut the spongy cord like she was cutting through a rubber band. Finally, it came apart. She put the one connected to the placenta in the bucket. Lifting the towel covering mother and baby, Dania cleaned the cord still attached to the baby the best she could.

She handed the bucket to Brett. “Would you please dispose of this.”

He left with it.

“Hayley, do you have some feminine pads?”

“In the bathroom under the sink.”

Dania retrieved them and set to work massaging Hayley’s stomach, making Hayley moan. “Sorry, but massaging it will help your uterus contract.”

She did a few more, then wrapped the baby in a towel and laid him next to his mother. She cleaned Hayley and pulled the large trash bag from under her and folded it to keep everything inside. She slipped a fresh night gown on Hayley and got her settled with her son. Dania grabbed the trash bag and hurried down the hall. She found Brett coming in, no bucket in sight. She handed him the plastic. “Here, please get rid of this too. Be careful.”

He took it without a word of complaint again.

On her way back to Hayley, she stopped at a door before the bathroom. She poked her head in. A nursery. Inside was a small bassinet with soft-looking blankets. A few stuffed toys sat on a dressing table that had drawers on the side. Even a rocker that appeared to have seen better days waited by the bassinet. Hayley had been preparing for her little one.

Dania went to Hayley, admiring mother and child. “What are you going to name your little guy?”

“I’m not sure.” She didn’t elaborate.

Dania didn’t press. Some people took more time to come up with a name, and with her estranged from the baby’s father, it might even take longer. “You’ve got to be tired. Let me clean him up and give you a chance to rest.” She eased the infant from his mother’s arms.

Dania pulled the bowl with the water Brett had brought in closer. She gently wiped down the baby. The child wailed, and his skin turned bright pink, which was so much better than blue. As she toweled him dry, she said to Hayley, “I’m going to take him to the nursery and get him dressed. I’ll be right back.”

Hayley gave her an appreciative nod and closed her eyes.

Once in the nursery, Dania laid the infant on the dressing table. He wailed even louder, and his face turned red. The kid had a good set of lungs on him.