Page 64 of Cry Wolf

He debated whether to tell her that the man he chased was Matt’s killer. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He couldn’t admit that the man had gotten away from him.

Hayley moaned and started to hyperventilate.

“What’s wrong?” Brett stared at the woman, whose face had turned pale.

“My water broke.” She gasped.

Brett looked at Dania. “Is she telling the truth?”

Dania put her hand on the seat cushion close to Hayley. “It’s wet.” She smelled her fingers. “And it’s not urine. Amniotic fluid is odorless, so yes.”

“That’s just great.” He itched to pursue the scumbag who had somehow slipped through his hands. “Do I have time to chase that guy?”

Dania looked at Hayley. “Were you having contractions before?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I’ve never had a baby.”

Dania turned to Brett. “You might have a little window, but not long. We need to get her to the hospital.”

“No! No hospital!” Hayley looked terrified and jerked against the handcuff trapping her inside.

There wasn’t time for an argument. With each second, the murderer was getting farther and farther away. The chances of catching him on foot grew slimmer. Brett jumped into the vehicle. He pushed the child lock for the backseat and turned to glare at Hayley. “You’re only going where Dania says you are.”

She shot him a defiant look.

“Your labor isn’t a cold or something you can simply ignore,” Dania reasoned with her. “You’re going to have a baby. You need a doctor and a medical facility.”

Brett stared at the brick house on the corner, where Dania had said the guy disappeared. He started the SUV and backed out. Shoving the gear stick into drive, he pressed his foot on the gas. This was not how things were supposed to go.

Nope. Not in the least.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Dania peered out the window,trying her best to see if the man hid in the bushes or stood in the shadows of the house. As badly as she wanted to find the intruder, she could see nothing out of the ordinary.

Brett shined the search light attached to his vehicle on the gate and over the shrubs. No movement. The guy had totally vanished.

Hayley moaned.

“Is she all right?” Brett said over his shoulder, still intently staring at shadows.

Dania checked Hayley. Her eyes were closed as she fought against pain. “She’s having a contraction. You may have to abandon the idea of chasing this guy and take her straight to the hospital.”

“No!” Fear pinched Hayley’s face. “Don’t take me there! My grandmother died in that ER.”

Brett pounded a fist on the steering wheel and shook his head.

Dania had dealt with people’s phobias before, especially those who had lost a loved one during a hospital visit, but she had a feeling no good would come of trying to talk Hayley out of being scared.

Dania scooted closer to her and brushed the young woman’s bangs from her eyes. “When did your grandmother die?”

“Two years ago. And I swore I’d never step foot in that place again.” Hayley took Dania’s hand. “You can take care of me. You helped my mother. I know you can help me too.”

“It’s been years since I’ve delivered a baby.” There’d been only a couple of times while working her shift that a baby had been delivered in the ER. Generally, there was plenty of time to send the expecting mothers to the maternity floor. “So many things can go wrong. We really need to take you to the hospital.”

Hayley pulled against the cuff on her other arm. “Please don’t make me go there.” Tears trickled down her cheeks. “I know you can do this.”

“I hate to admit it, but if we take her to the hospital, you’re going to be seen,” Brett added.