Page 40 of Cry Wolf

“Answer it. But first, you need to go upstairs and stay out of sight until I let you know the coast is clear. Okay?”

She nodded and grabbed the planner.

He waited for her to go by him. Grateful he was here and would know what to do, she scurried up the steps. For the first time, she had a small inkling of optimism that they might find the evidence she needed.

She just hoped whoever was at the door wouldn’t stop them.

Chapter Seventeen

Brett opened the door tofind Rex Harman, Gran’s neighbor and her on-again-off-again boyfriend. He suffered from Parkinson’s, so his head shook a little and he leaned heavily on his black cane. He’d taken Gran’s death pretty hard. Brett should have known he’d be the one to come knocking. “Hi there, Rex.”

“Saw your car here. Is everything all right?” His voice had a quaver to it.

What did the man do, sit at his window day and night, watching the world pass by? He might become a challenge to keeping Dania’s presence a secret. Trying to cover the best he could, Brett said, “Everything is fine. I just stopped by to check on Gran’s place.”

“Uh-huh. I see.” He craned his head to look inside, as if he wanted to come in.

Feeling awkward, Brett stepped away and motioned for him to enter.

As the old man passed, he said, “You gonna stay here more often now?” His eyes darted around the familiar living room, going from the camelback couch to the wingback chair and fireplace. He’d been here countless times when Gran had been alive. A sadness pulled at his age-spotted cheeks. His wrinkly lidded eyes went to Brett. “You know Jenny would have liked that.”

Brett didn’t often hear someone call Gran by her first name. It made her sound young and showed how Rex saw her and how much he cared.

“I just might.” Brett led him to the couch, knowing the man had trouble standing still too long. “I need to get the place cleaned up.”

“You gonna sell?” Rex’s forehead furrowed like that would be the worst possible thing he could think of.

“To be honest, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t want to sell, but I already have a place of my own.” He didn’t add that it hurt too much to be here without Gran.

“Jenny would have wanted you to keep her place.” He nodded as if his words and the added motion of his head would help convince Brett.

Not wanting to debate the issue and wanting to draw this visit to a close without being rude, Brett asked, “Is there something I can do for you, Rex?”

“Nah. Been making sure her roses are watered. You know her sprinklers don’t quite reach them. She loved her flowers.” Rex’s thumb rubbed the handle of his cane. He obviously had something on his mind but must not know quite how to spit it out.

“I appreciate that. I’m sure Gran does too.”

“Don’t mind if I cut the roses when they bloom, do you? I’ve been meaning to ask, but you haven’t been around. It used to be a thing. I’d cut Jenny one of her own roses, then bring it to her. She’d act all surprised. But she knew where I got the flower and let me get away with it. I couldn’t afford to buy them. Pension doesn’t go as far as it used to. I would have brought her an entire bouquet if I could have.” The old man grew quiet as though caught in bittersweet memory.

“Feel free to cut them as much as you want.” Brett was only too happy to give Rex permission and stood, hoping the man would take the hint and leave.

Rex tried to get up but fell back. He huffed and then tried again. This time, Brett took his hand and helped him to his feet. “I don’t give the flowers I pick from Jenny’s bushes to other ladies, should you be wondering. I keep them for myself.” He shuffled toward the door.

“Thanks for taking care of them for Gran.”

“Happy to do it.” He stopped at the threshold. “You know, before your garage door closed, I could have sworn I saw a lady with you when you arrived this morning, but maybe it was only Jasper. My eyes aren’t what they used to be.”

“Well, Jasper was with me.” Brett felt horrible for not correcting Rex and telling him the truth, but for Rex’s safety and Dania’s, he let it go.

Brett watched the feeble man make his way off the porch and across the lawn to his own place. The guy had to be lonely without Gran. Brett closed the door, and before he reached the stairs, Dania came down, followed by Jasper.

“What was that all about?” She still carried the planner, hugging it to her chest as she returned to the dining room table and sat.

“Just the neighbor. He saw us arrive this morning.”

A scowl came to her face.

“Don’t worry. He thought he saw a woman with me, but then he decided it was just Jasper.”