Page 12 of Cry Wolf

Setting the mug on the table, he glanced at the screen. “It’s Gabe,” he told BB, who gave him her full attention. “Probably updating us on Olivia.” He braced himself as he answered, “How’s she doing?”

“Still in surgery.” Gabe sounded tired. “What’s going on at your end?”

“I put Coop in charge of the search teams so he could make sure they checked every outbuilding and gopher hole. Char is following a lead on Big Bertha. A trucker phoned in, claiming to have seen her near Helena.” He glanced at BB, hovering near him, listening to every word. She had to be worried about Olivia but also about the budget. Wanting to set her mind at ease, he said, “I’m assuming it’s okay that I sent a car to stake out each house of the prisoners’ relatives as well as Matt’s place.”

“Certainly. I was hoping you’d have something by now. I need to call the attorney general before he hears this on the morning news. He’s going to be livid that I didn’t call him at the get-go.”

Walter Tyler’s ill temper came to mind. Matt had told Brett about blowups his father had, especially during campaign season. And that was before his son had married Dania Black. Though the range war between the Black family and the Tylers had been decades ago, Walter still held a grudge. He’d been devastated when his own son had married a daughter of his enemy. He wouldn’t tolerate being left out of the loop on her escape.

Thinking that he didn’t envy Gabe, Brett said, “If it’s any consolation, Matt used to tell me his father’s bark was worse than his bite.”

“That may have been true for his only son but not so much for the rest of society.” Gabe cleared his throat. “I might find myself reporting for intensive training at Glynco tomorrow.”

“We need to send a car to watch Walter’s house.” Brett should have suggested this before. “I’d bet a month’s salary that Dania will go there to get a glimpse of her child, if she can.”

“With her father-in-law loaded for bear?” Gabe grew quiet. “And if it were anyone else, I’d agree. Not Dania. She would know that would be the first place we’d suspect she’d go.”

“Don’t underestimate the love of a mother.” Even Brett’s own mother had taken all the risks for him. “And it’s not like she would walk up to the door and ring the bell. She’ll go there on the off chance of seeing her son playing outside or walking to the car with his grandparents. Mark my words, she’ll be there.”

BB picked up her cell, already arranging for a car to stake out Attorney General Tyler’s residence. That was why Brett loved having her around. BB had a sixth sense about what needed to be done and did it without being asked.

“You might be right.” Gabe tsked. “Sure wish we could have found them before I have to call Walter, but I can’t put it off any longer. I need to let him know what’s going on.”

With BB occupied, Brett asked, “Have the doctors said anything to you about Olivia’s chances?”

Gabe took a deep breath, then blew it out. “Just that after surgery, the next twenty-four hours will be critical. I blame myself. I should have sent you or Coop with her, not Ted. He was too green.”

“You didn’t have a choice. I was on vacation, and Coop has seniority. He hasn’t transported prisoners for a while. Don’t second-guess and think of what-ifs. From what we’ve put together, the same thing would have happened whether Coop or I were there or not. They were trapped and under heavy fire. Not much a marshal can do under those circumstances. Ted and Olivia put up a good fight. Wish you had better news about her condition.” Brett saw BB turn off her cell. He quickly added, “Call as soon as you hear anything.”

“Will do. Doctor Scott told me someone probably saved Olivia’s life by almost stopping the bleeding before the paramedics arrived. I’m thinking that someone was Dania. Keep me posted on your progress.” Gabe ended the call.

Brett already suspected Dania had helped Olivia. Matt had told him she was always putting others before herself, always wanted him to be happy.

“I take it there’s no word about Olivia?” BB asked, squinting as she focused on him.

“She’s still in surgery.” He picked up one of the donuts that had been delivered.

“At least the doctors are fighting for her. For that, we can be grateful.” The eternal optimist, BB always tried to look for the good. She glanced at her pad, then back to Brett. “I got another call while setting up a car to stake out the AG’s place. The sheriff of Washington County spotted a woman that matches Dania’s description driving by the Country Market. They’re in pursuit right now.”

With his fellow officers charged up over Ted’s death and Olivia’s injuries, Brett wanted to be the person to take Dania into custody. Even though none of these officers would deliberately step outside the law, they could certainly push boundaries with rough handling or worse. With the strong likelihood that Dania had Ted’s weapon, Brett didn’t want to think about what could happen if one of them thought she was pulling on them—because he didn’t think she truly would.

He nudged the slumbering chopper pilot. The groggy man’s eyes cracked open. The poor guy had gotten as little sleep as Brett and everyone else working the case. “Time to take your bird for a ride!”

The man shook his head as if to awaken his brain, then leaped to his feet. As he started for his chopper, he yelled over his shoulder, “Where we going?”

“Washington County near the Country Market on...” Brett kept up with him and glanced at BB.

“Highway 86,” BB said, bringing up the rear with Jasper.

“No sense searching this area anymore. Have the command post taken down. Call Coop and find out where we can pick him up on our way.” Brett prayed they’d be in time to take Dania into custody before the other officers caught her.

Chapter Six

Dania didn’t know what todo. This worn-out truck couldn’t outrun patrol cars even with the good head start she had. She kept glancing in her rearview mirror. Red and blue flashing lights were gaining on her. They’d catch up in a matter of seconds. Plus, now that they knew where she was, they’d set up a roadblock. She had to get off this highway.

The sign ahead advertised Mosquito Mineral Springs Campground. Maybe she could park among the campers. Not slowing down at all so she didn’t lose ground with the police, she swerved onto the turnoff for the dirt road that led to the campsites. Pines, golden aspens, and red-and-orange mountain shrubs lined the way. Full to capacity, each site had several cars, with no place for her to park. For certain, the sheriff would send his men into the area to look.

About to give up, she finally found a place. One site had a camp trailer with space to park alongside a huge club cab. She didn’t see anyone about. Maybe whoever was camping here went for an early-morning hike and fishing at Firecracker Creek less than a mile away. She pulled to the side of the truck and shut off her engine.