Page 85 of Cry Wolf

Cynthia looked up and down the road. “Quick, get in the car.”

Dania hesitated for a second but then crossed to the passenger side and got in. She yearned to talk to her friend, to pretend that she had a normal life even though she didn’t.

“The entire state is looking for you. Are you okay?” Cynthia started driving.

“Better now that I’m with you.” She marveled that her friend worried about her, even after everything that had happened. “You have to know that I didn’t kill Matthew.”

“I have no doubt. And I told your attorney, Leonard What’s-His-Toes, that I’d be a character witness for you, but he never called. He told me not to visit you in prison either.”

This was the first time Dania had ever heard that her friend wanted to visit her.

“I wrote to you, but my letters were returned.” Cynthia glanced at her.

“I didn’t know.” Why hadn’t she received them? And why hadn’t Leonard called Cynthia to the stand as a character witness?

“Then life got complicated.” Cynthia looked ahead at the highway. “I didn’t tell you that day you found out you were pregnant that I was pregnant too.”

“Oh, I wish you would have told me.” Dania couldn’t help but smile.

“Well, I already had two boys. My getting pregnant wasn’t exactly good news, and I didn’t want to rain on your parade.”

“What did you have?” Dania couldn’t help but be curious.

“A girl.” A huge smile spread across her face.

“That’s just what you wanted. I’m happy for you.” Dania glanced around the vehicle. “Where are your kids?”

“With their grandmother. I left them with her so I could buy groceries without them begging for candy. I’ve been worried sick about you ever since I heard that you escaped.” Cynthia took her eyes off the road to look at Dania. “What did you do to your hair?”

“Cut it. Like you did.” It was nice to talk about something as ordinary as haircuts.

“Colored it, too, I see.” Cynthia smiled. “Trying to be a redhead, are you? It’s not easy, but if anyone can do it, you can. It looks... different. I like it, but I also liked how you used to wear it.”

“I do too. There’s so much I want to tell you, but I don’t dare. I don’t want to draw you into my trouble. Please know, though, I didn’t kill Matthew, nor did I kill that marshal during the escape.”

“Look who you’re talking to. I’ve seen you save countless lives. There’s no way anyone could make me believe you’d take one. Especially your husband’s. You loved that man. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.” Cynthia glanced at her with true love and friendship. She nodded ahead. “Your place is coming up. Is that where you’re going?”

“For one last time.” She bit back emotions and knew that she’d probably never see her beloved friend again. “Please, let me out here. I’ll make my way through the back. I’m sure they have an officer watching the place in the front.”

Cynthia slowed and pulled off to the side of the road. Putting the car in park, she reached over and gave Dania a hug. “I’m always on your side. If you need anything, call me.”

Dania closed her eyes as she hugged her friend, saving the moment to memory. Without another word, too choked up to even try to speak, she got out and raced for the trees. She didn’t turn to see Cynthia leave but heard the car drive away. What an unexpected blessing, seeing her old friend. It gave Dania hope. Now all she had to do was somehow sneak into the house and wait for Vanessa.

She hiked through the trees and up the hill that overlooked her property. When she reached the crest and gazed down at the earth tones of their ranch-styled rambler, her heart skipped a beat. But it had changed.

Even in the middle of the day, it seemed dark and lonely. The patch of ground to the south where she’d grown her garden overflowed with weeds. Still, it was home.

And then she noticed a deputy sheriff’s patrol car parked under the willow tree out front near the property line. Like she’d thought, the police were keeping an eye on her home. What would they do when Vanessa showed up? Probably nothing. Vanessa coming to her old employee’s house wouldn’t be suspicious. It didn’t matter. The wheels were in motion. Dania couldn’t stop what was about to happen, nor did she want to.

She crouched low and went from tree to tree until the back of the house was only a few yards away. Movement drew her gaze.

A lone silver wolf stood near a pine that Matthew had planted years ago by the back deck. Could it possibly be the same one that she’d seen on the mountain? Wolves were known to have a wide range. The animal was an outcast but also a warrior.

The wolf stared at Dania. Had her father somehow sent the animal to remind her to trust her heart and give her strength to face what was ahead? Whatever the reason, she was grateful for this unexpected moment.

All too quickly, the animal ran off.

Without further hesitation, Dania sprinted for the back door into the garage. She and Matthew never locked it, and even though that didn’t mean that the police or Walter wouldn’t have, she was banking on the hope that they hadn’t.