Page 60 of Cry Wolf

He gave her a sideways glance, but he was listening.

“And I’d be close to your office. You could come and go without being seen. Those apartments above the stores have back entrances from the alley.” She used to drive by them on her way to work to avoid downtown traffic.

“Here we go.” Rex ambled in, struggling to carry a huge handmade quilt. “My late wife, Ethel—she died going on twenty years ago—loved to sew. I know it would tickle her if you used this. It was one of her favorites.”

Brett took the quilt from him. “This is very nice of you Rex, but I hate to put you out.”

“Being as you’re Jenny’s grandson, you’re not putting me out. I offered.” He motioned to his floral-covered, high-backed couch. “You can stay right here where you can keep an eye on her place.” A yawn once again found the elderly man. “You’ll have to excuse me. I’m going to bed. There’s tea if you want some. Stay or not, but I hope to find you here in the morning safe and sound.” He turned and shuffled down the hallway.

“We can at least stay until he dozes off.” Dania took the quilt from Brett. “And like he said, you can keep an eye on the place.” She shook it out and sat on the couch, pulling the covering around her. She turned the end down for him. “There’s plenty of room. The least you can do is sit a while. Where’s Jasper?”

Brett rubbed his chin. “I left him in the house. He’ll be okay and might scare off an intruder. I’ll get him in the morning.”

“Come on.” She didn’t like coaxing, but she really didn’t want to search for another place to hide for the night.

Reluctantly he sat.

“There you go. See? That wasn’t so difficult,” she teased.

“We’re only staying for a little while.”

Trying to get his mind off leaving, she asked, “What exactly did your boss say, and why did he sneak into the house?”

“He didn’t sneak. The door was unlocked. He was doing me a favor and making sure someone hadn’t broken in.” He switched off the living room light and pulled his end of the quilt over him.

“That was my fault. I was so happy to see Vanessa, I didn’t think to lock it. I’m sorry.”

“I should have checked.” Brett faced her. “If you’re still determined not to turn yourself in”—he paused. She shook her head—“Then, renting the apartment downtown might be a good idea, but I’ll do it. If someone asks why, I’ll tell them I want a change of view from my apartment over the drug store. Gabe thought I should just move into Gran’s, which I may do at some time, but I’ll tell him I’m thinking about it.”

Glad that he’d accepted her idea, she leaned her head back on the musty-smelling couch. The two of them sat there staring out the window into the night, not saying another word.

Dania couldn’t help going over what he’d told her about Val thinking she and Brett were in a relationship. Obviously, Val had changed since they’d dated years ago. He’d become even more cunning. But the most troubling aspect of his claim was that he was right.

* * *

Dania felt someone shake her. She must have fallen asleep. Prying open an eye, she found Brett staring at her, the lights still off in Rex’s darkened living room.

“Someone just sneaked into Gran’s backyard. I’m going to find out who it is. Stay here.” Brett took off, pulling his gun to the ready.

She wanted to help. But after she’d disregarded his wishes earlier in the day, it might be best to wait it out and do what he said. Once again, she prayed he’d be all right.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Brett gave chase to thedark figure creeping into Gran’s backyard. He probably shouldn’t have left Dania behind, but he didn’t want something to happen to her. Besides, he worked better alone.

The stocky silhouette wearing a ski mask crept up to the glass door that opened into the dining room. As the person attempted to jimmy the door to get in, Jasper started barking madly, which startled the perp. That was Brett’s chance.

Aiming his gun at the person, he said, “I’ve got a nine-caliber Berretta pointed at you. Be very careful, and do exactly what I say.”

The intruder froze, the person’s back to Brett.

Brett crept closer. “Hands in the air, and face the door.”

As the trespasser went through the motions, one arm dropped as though going for a weapon.

“Keep ’em up!” Brett shouted as he cautiously moved his index finger to the trigger.

The arm slowly rose.