Page 50 of Cry Wolf

“Predictable?” She hadn’t expected that. Were they not going to talk about the feelings they’d just experienced? But maybe not verbalizing them was for the best. “No one has ever said I was predictable.” She followed him to the kitchen.

He didn’t look at her as she’d expected but stopped at the fridge and opened it. “Good. You found the chili.” He retrieved the bowl and placed it in the microwave. He then gave her his full attention as his food heated, and it was as though the moment between them upstairs had never happened. “I did what you asked and spoke with not only Val but his father too.”

“How did it go?” She bit at her bottom lip.

“Not well.” The microwave beeped, but he ignored it. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured himself some water.“ “I started out asking why Val met with Matt.” Brett took his chili from the microwave and snagged the glass of water, then went to the table, which now held not only Matthew’s planner but also a box full of stuff Brett must have brought home.

“What did he say?”

“Both he and his father claimed they wanted Matt to represent them because of who his father was. Do you believe that?” He ate a spoonful of chili, then quickly chased it with a swallow of water. “Man, that’s too hot.”

“I guess it’s possible that could have been the reason. But it seems very coincidental that they met the night before Matthew died.” Something didn’t seem right.

“That’s why I asked him if he held a grudge against Matt for marrying you.” He stirred some water into the chili.

“The thought has crossed my mind.” But she could have never asked. “What did he say?”

“He got a little riled. His father threatened to call my boss. But don’t worry. People threaten to do that all the time.” He took another spoonful and pushed the bowl aside.

“You really think Val could have had Matthew killed?” Her hand went to her heart.

“I asked him if he paid someone or if one of his buddies did it for him.”

“Right there in front of his dad? What is wrong with you? I thought you could help me, not make matters worse.” Her head pounded. She rubbed her temples, trying to alleviate the pain.

“Calm down. I know what I’m doing.” He took her hand. “We don’t have a lot of time before someone finds you. So I had to ask the tough questions. This way, if he’s guilty, he’ll do something rash.”

“Do you really think he was involved?”

“Do you?” He tilted his head.

“Honestly, I don’t know.”

“Well, by his reactions, Idoknow.” He shook his head. “Either that, or he and his dad are covering up something else that has to do with it. I feel it in my gut.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I think I need to find another place for you to hide.”

“Why? No one would look for me here.”

“I told Val that I knew you called him for help after you were arrested. Because of that, he suspects that I found you.” He sucked air between his teeth.

“Why would you think that?”

“Because he said that he does.” He gave a reluctant shrug.

“How does he know that I didn’t tell someone else? I could have told my lawyer.” She wrung her hands together.

“Good. That’s what I told him. He was probably trying to rile me, like I was him.”

“I wonder if Vanessa knew that Val wanted Matthew to represent his father’s business. Did you call her?”

“Oh crud!” He bumped a fist on the table. “I planned to stop by her office this afternoon but got sidetracked when I sawyouspying on Jacob.”

“I’m so sorry.” But she really wasn’t. “I had to risk it. You understand, don’t you?”

Brett hunched his shoulders. “Can’t blame a mom who wants to see her child.” He picked up his chili bowl.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“Not really.” He put it in the sink, then pulled out his cell. “I wonder if Vanessa is still in her office. Maybe I could run over now.” He tapped his phone and waited. “It went to voice mail.” Brett left a message, saying he’d been delayed and would stop by tomorrow.