Page 30 of Cry Wolf

The man reached his dog and fastened a leash to his collar. “Come on. We’ve got a long way to go.”

The barking dog didn’t want to move. His owner tugged on the leash, pulling him away. Finally, the animal gave in and followed him to the truck.

However, the highway patrol had noticed the lab, and two officers walked to where the canine had stood.

The dog got away from his master again and raced toward the police, barking and snarling with the leash dragging behind him. The cautious officers stood their ground as the animal headed toward them.

With them distracted, this was her chance to reach Brett’s SUV. Slipping beneath the fence and dodging behind bushes, she made it to the rear of a semi. The Pathfinder waited on the other side. She could hear the officers talking to the man with his dog. “Keep your animal under control.”

Stooping low, she raced to the Pathfinder. With the key fob in her pocket, she placed her hand on the door handle and the vehicle unlocked. Opening the door, she climbed inside. She tried to calm her breathing, but her heart was nearly leaping from her chest. She crouched in the seat, listening to the driver talk to his dog.

“Get in the truck. I swear I’m gonna leave you home on the next haul.” His door slammed, and soon, his engine rattled to life.

This was an excellent time to start the Pathfinder. She’d follow this guy out and hopefully sneak by the cops without them noticing. Grasping the steering wheel, she sat up and pressed the ignition button. As the trucker shifted into gear, she did as well. With a prayer on her lips, she followed him past both patrol cars.

When he turned right, she turned left, heading to where she’d left Brett.

Chapter Thirteen

Something was off. The tinyhairs on the back of Brett’s neck rose as he peered through the darkness. The forest had grown quiet.

Too quiet.

Deathly quiet. He couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but he felt as if he were being watched.


Like prey.

Jasper gave a low, guttural growl and got up on all fours. His hackles rose as he stared into the night’s shadows. Somehow, Brett got his feet under him and rose, scraping his arms roughly against the trunk.

If he was going to be attacked, he wanted to be standing.

A growl came from the depths of the forest. Brett peered through the inky blackness, trying to see what kind of beast was coming at them. Two white eyes appeared and glared from under a pine not more than fifty feet away. A wolf?

Jasper crouched, returning the growl.

The last thing Brett wanted was for Jasper to fight whatever animal that was. “Stay... it’s okay.”

Unable to reach out and gain the dog’s attention, Brett felt more helpless than he had in a long time. Was this what an out-of-body experience was like? Watching and unable to do anything to stop the inevitable? This was exactly how he’d felt when his mother had died.

Brett had to figure something out. Maybe if he made himself bigger, he could appear to be a threat to the creature. He dragged the cuffs up and down the tree, trying to make as much noise as he could. “Get out of here! Go on. Get!”

Jasper crouched and inched toward the beast, determined to do his job and keep Brett safe.

The sound of a car approaching turned the other animal’s head. Then headlights flashed over them.

The wolf retreated into the shadows.

Jasper tore after him.

“Jasper! Come back!” That darn dog.

When the car finally pulled to a stop, Brett recognized his own Pathfinder. Had Dania returned, or had one of the marshals in his office found his SUV and come to get him? It really didn’t matter. Help was here.

The driver’s door opened, but Brett couldn’t see who it was. As the person walked toward him, he stared harder. A woman with short hair. It wasn’t Char or BB. As she drew near, he realized it was Dania.

She’d cut and colored her hair, had on a sweatshirt, but still wore the overalls beneath. She pulled the Glock from her pocket as she peered into the darkness where the dog had gone. “Where’s Jasper going?”