I almost grin, but then I think about Paul, laid up, alone in his bed. How will he get the news? Will Riley tell him about it? Will one of his friends send him the video? It’s already spreading across social media.
“I should call him,” I say.
“What will you do if he asks you if it’s more than a crush?” Kaleb replies. “What if he asks you if anything has ever happened between us? What then?”
“I’ll… tell the truth,” I say.
“You’llwhat?” he snaps.
“We can’t lie to him about this forever.”
“I thought we were going to end it,” he says fiercely.
I stare at him, hoping he can see the anger, not the sadness, trying to prick my eyes.
“Is that what you want?”
He reaches over and touches my hand. There’s a divider between us and the driver. He can’t see in here. At least, I assume he can’t. Otherwise, Kaleb would never touch me. He squeezes my hand tightly, letting me feel the support.
“You know it’s not,” he says passionately, “but if he asks you, and you tell him, we have to be sure.”
“Sure about what?”
He leans close, his breath hot against me.
“If this is just a fling or something else,” he says.
I grab onto his leg instinctively. My hand snaps down and squeezes tight. This has all been such an impossible rush. I haven’t let myself think about the future. I’m not even sure I can go there now. My head is too much of a mess. I know I want him, but…
“Are we supposed to make that decision just likethat?” Letting go of his leg, I snap my fingers.
“There’s no point telling him and breaking his goddamn heart if we’re just going to end things.”
“That’s the second time you’ve said that. Is that what you want?”
He kisses me suddenly, grabbing onto my shoulders and letting me feel the passion blazing through him. Now I’msupersure the driver can’t see us. There’s no way he’d do this if the driver could see us. It lets me relax more than I should be able to, sliding my hands up his arms, feeling his muscles, his power, the strong sense of belonging.
Our tongues clash together, making me think of last night, his tongue swirling around my clit. Toward the end, he put his tongueinsideof me, like he couldn’t resist going all the way. He was too far gone to stop.
I place my hand on his chest, pushing him away. “My cell phone is vibrating. Oh, God. I bet it’s…”
His name appears on the screen, along with a photo of us. It was taken when I was ten and he was twenty. I’m sitting on his knee, all smiles, Paul grinning down at me as the sun shines behind us. It gives the photo a heavenly sort of glow. It usually makes me smile when it appears on my phone.
I don’t want to answer, but I force myself to.
“Is it true?” he says as soon as I swipe the green icon.
“Yes. I made the video. I had a crush. I was a kid, Paul.”
“What about since then?” he snaps. “You’re not a kid now, Sophie. How do you feel about him now?” He pauses and sighs. “I’m sorry, sis. I don’t mean to snap. These damn pills… No, let’s do this again. Let me do this again. Hang on.”
He hangs up the phone.
“What’s happening?” Kaleb asks.
I shake my head. “He hung up. He’s calling back. Hello, Paul?”