Her cream is moving down my shaft. My vision blurs as my come finally releases, like pressure when a valve has finally been turned. It all rushes out of me, leaving me feeling so content, so hot. My woman shudders as her orgasm ends, staring at me with a moment of pure bliss. The moment seems to last forever, stretching out.
Then she frowns, and I know we’re back in the real world. I slide out of her, lean down, and kiss her cheek.
“Something’s wrong,” I say.
“I don’t want to ruin?—”
“Just tell me,” I cut in.
“It’s just… We didn’t use a condom. I completely forgot until just now.”
I let out a long breath, then hug her close to me, feeling her cheek against my chest. Her body beside mine feels like it belongs. “Is that such a bad thing?” I say, smirking.
She nudges me. “Come on. Don’t make light of it.”
“We can’t change that now,” I tell her, sighing. “I should’ve remembered.”
“Yeah, Mr. Experienced,” she says.
Now,Inudgeher. We’re both smiling, our mood too relaxed, even though we might’ve just made a child together.
“What would we do?” she asks, squeezing me tightly. “If… you know.”
If she got pregnant… I kiss the top of her head. I don’t have to think about my answer. I’ll never be able to return to that gray, dreary world again, not after what we’ve shared.
“I’ll support you,” I tell her. “Always. If it happens, I’ll be there.”
She cuddles even closer to me. “I just hope Paul will be, too. I mean, if it happens. I’d want our kid to have their uncle in their life.”
“Me too,” I say fiercely. “Tomorrow, we’ll tell him the truth. I’ll tell him I knew I had to have you the moment I saw you—not just for the sex but for you, Sophie. I’ll tell him I want to treat you right. I want to be there for you. I want to do the right thing. I’ll tell him I’ll never let anybody hurt you.”
“Do you think it will be enough?” she asks.
I swallow, knowing I can’t lie. “I hope so.”
“Do you really think we should do this now?” I ask, standing at the window of the rented apartment. As soon as the near-shooting video dropped, Paul’s house was mobbed by paparazzi. Paul quickly called a real estate agent he knows and got us an empty unit.Us, like we really have any chance of being together.
“They’re already on their way,” Paul replies from behind me, his teeth gritted as he awkwardly balances on the crutches. He has that determined look on his face, but his leg looks awful, hanging uselessly. I cringe each time he drags himself forward on those crutches, but he’s too stubborn to get back into the wheelchair.
“Why don’t we sit down, at least?” I say, rushing over and touching his arm.
Paul isn’t on the pain meds today. His eyes are clearer. He leans forward and kisses me. I try not to feel the bright burst of guilt I usually experience when he kisses me like this. It’s such a confusing cocktail of feelings: pleasure, guilt, regret, and the want that never quits.
He lets me lead him into the living room and sits with me. I chew on my fingernails until he reaches over and touches my hand.
“You know that’s a bad habit.”
I smile, glancing at him. I know he can tell it’s a nervous smile. Over the last few months, he’s become good at reading me. I never have to tell him what I’m feeling. I never have to explain. It’s just one of the many things that makes me so sure we belong together.
“She’ll expect to see only you so you and Sophie can talk about them. What the heck is she going to think when she sees me here?”
“I’m done with secrets,” Paul snaps. “We’ll tell the truth, all of us. Once it’s out there, we’ll deal with the consequences. I can’t live like this anymore. Every time I talk to Sophie, I’m a goddamn liar. If she’s got something to say, then so have I.”
I smooth my hand through his hair, kissing him on the cheek. “At least let me get a footstool for your leg.”