“No, like my dream man.”

“Not like your crush?” he says.

“I thought you didn’t like that word.”

“When they were running their tests, I was thinking, why does it have to be a bad thing? You knew you wanted me. I know I want you. It’s like we were meant to be together.”

I smile, tears stinging as if I’m going to cry. “That’s the concussion talking,” I say, not wanting him to commit to something he doesn’t mean.

“No, it’s not,” he says fiercely. “It’s the truth.”

I shuffle my chair closer to his and wrap my hands around his arm, laying my cheek against him. After a moment, he puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me close. Closing my eyes, I sink against his chest, feeling like I’m on a calm ocean, a peaceful tide rocking me.

“Let’s forget about tomorrow,” he says, kissing my head. “Let’s forget about the press. Forget about…”Paul, but he doesn’t go that far. “Everything.”

“That sounds perfect to me,” I whisper.

So that’s what we do. We sit together, letting the sun glow against our faces, not thinking about everything that could go wrong.



I sit up, stretching my body out. “I could chill with you all day,” I tell Sophie, “but not on these seats.”

She laughs. “Shall we go inside? Maybe put a movie on?”

I look over at my woman. She’s showered since the chaos and changed into a pair of black jeans and a tank top that almost stirs me into claiming her. I must try to be strong and wait for the standoff with Paul tomorrow. Yet after the brush with death, the possible end of everything, it’s like something deep in me craves her even more.

“That sounds like a plan.”

She giggles when I stand up, scooping her into my arms. She grabs onto my neck as I carry her through the balcony doors. I sit on the couch with my woman’s ass right against my groin. I’m flooded with pure, hot animal need. It’s like we’ve just survived a hunt, and now my body is primed for pleasure, needing a release from all the fight-or-flight mayhem.

She places her hands on my chest, looking down at me, face red and excited. “Shouldn’t you be resting?” she says softly.

I sink my hands into her hips. How could I do anything else? It feels like the only place my hands truly belong, sinking deeply into her perfect curves, owning them, owningher.

“I don’t want to rest,” I growl. “I want to taste you.”

She moans as I lean up, kissing her passionately, doing the exact opposite of what we should be, of what we agreed. Yet it’s impossible to be close to her, touching her, and not let myself go.

I slide my hands further around her and push down on her back, bringing our bodies closer together. Her moans make me so hard, so fast. It’s like a trigger that goes right through me, my desire stiffening. She grinds up and down against me, but then she stops. It’s odd. It’s like she gets all ramped up and excited and then doubts herself.

“That felt so good,” I growl, breaking off the kiss momentarily.

She stares with wide-eyed nerves, and I know I was right. “Yeah?” She starts moving again, shifting those thick hips so that her crotch rubs against my dick, making me forget everything, even the fact that a few minutes ago, I was determined not to do this before tomorrow.

“Keep going,” I tell her, “and lean down and moan right into my ear.”

She does what I tell her, moaning against me, her breath warm. The sound of her moaning fills me up and makes me ache as if I want to release it all right now.

“Talk to me,” I tell her, spanking her round, thick ass.

She gasps and then stutters. After a pause, she says, “I don’t…”

“Tell me how badly you want me to take your virginity,” I snarl, spanking her again, addicted to the feeling of her ass shaking against my hand.

She grinds her pussy against me even faster. I lean up, thrusting my hips forward, letting her feel how badly I want her. In my ear, her nervous voice moans, “I want you to take my virginity. I want your big dick to be the only one I feel.”