So they had options...which he’d worry about later. The only absolute in Liam’s mind was Cate. Keeping that glow of love in her eyes for the next fifty years. Being with her when he drew his last breath...or when she drew hers.

He turned when the bathroom door opened and Cate walked out. She was still wearing the slacks and sweater she’d worn earlier in the day—not the dress she’d been going to change into for their upcoming dinner with Alec and Angelina. His smile faded at the sight of her pale, shocked face. “What is it?” he asked sharply. His anxious gaze swept over her, searching for injuries. “Are you hurt?”

She shook her head. “Blue,” she whispered, dazed. “Plus blue.”

He stared blankly. “Plus blue?”

A smile started in her eyes and spread over her face, then she threw herself at him, wound her arms around his neck and held on tight. “Plus blue,” she repeated. “I took a home pregnancy test and it turned blue. Plus blue. We’re pregnant, Liam! Can you believe it? We’re pregnant!”

“Pregnant?” His arms closed around her automatically, but he was stunned. Cate hadn’t let on at all, so he couldn’t take it in for a moment.

“Pregnant!” She was laughing and crying at the same time. “A baby, Liam. We’re going to have a baby. Oh, there is a God. There is!”

His eyes were suddenly burning with the tears his father had told him more than once men never cried. But he didn’t care. Because some things deserved tears, and Cate’s renewed faith was one of them.

He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly. “Yes,” he said, unashamed to let her see his damp eyes. “There is a God. I know, because He brought me you.”