“Who knows where I am now?”

“Besides you? Five people, four of whom are in this house. The other is Cody Walker, Keira Walker’s husband. The head of the Denver branch of the agency. Not even Alec Jones and his wife know where you are right now—all they know is that you’re safe.” He smiled again, another smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Need to know, Cate,” he reminded her. “Liam says he explained that concept to you. It’s crucial you understand just how serious it is.”

An expression flickered over Cate’s face that Liam couldn’t decipher...until she said, “I survived on my own for six years, Mr. D’Arcy, with a price on my head. Vishenko’s men didn’t find me until he raised the price to a million dollars. I think I understand how serious ‘need to know’ is.”

* * *

Cate wandered into the backyard. The flower beds were past their prime this late in the summer, but still retained enough color to draw her attention. She found a small wooden bench under a silver maple tree, and seated herself on it to consider her limited choices.

She wished she could speak with her cousin, Angelina, and her cousin’s husband, Alec, but she knew what they would say. Nothing that had happened yesterday changed anything—she still needed to testify. And to do that, she needed to survive long enough to make it possible. This meant either returning to the custody of the marshals...or putting herself in the hands of a stranger in Wyoming.

On the one hand she knew nothing about Ryan Callahan. Just because Nick D’Arcy trusted him didn’t mean she would...or should. On the other hand, was it possible the US Marshals Service had somehow been infiltrated by Vishenko, as D’Arcy had suggested? Or by another branch of the Bratva? She knew the various branches of the Russian Mafia traded favors with each other from time to time, so even if Vishenko himself didn’t have someone on the inside, that didn’t mean she hadn’t been set up by someone in the US Marshals Service. Or the FBI. Or the US Attorney’s Office.

She twisted her hands together in her lap, the thumb of her right hand absently brushing over the scar on her left wrist as she had a habit of doing when she was stressed. Who to trust? Who to trust?

Liam found her there. She hadn’t heard him approach, but suddenly he was standing there in front of her. So reassuringly protective. So much like his brother Alec...and so different at the same time.

“Have you decided?” he asked.

Cate shook her head. “Not yet.” Her eyes met his. “If it was you...what would you do?”

He went down on his haunches, holding her gaze. He looked as if he’d like to take her hands in his, but refrained...because he knew she didn’t like to be touched. “I can’t tell you what to do,” he told her. “All I can tell you is three people I trust with my life trust Nick D’Arcy’s judgment—my sister, Keira, her husband, Cody, and Trace McKinnon. If it was my decision, I’d go with D’Arcy’s recommendation.”

“So you think I should go to this Ryan Callahan in Wyoming?”

His expression was solemn, earnest. “I don’t know him. I only know of him—from the same three people I trust with my life. But what I do know about him is reassuring. I think any other choice is a risk I wouldn’t take. Not if I were you.”

She decided in that instant. “Then I will go there.”

He stood up and automatically held his hand out to help her rise. The kind of gentlemanly gesture that came naturally to him, she could tell. Like yesterday, when he’d innocently tried to brush back her hair. Before she could stop herself, she placed her hand in his. Trusting Liam as she trusted his brother.

Even more than you trust Alec, she told herself silently. Be honest, at least.

And if she was honest—completely honest—she was also attracted to Liam...even more than she was attracted to Alec. For a long time after Alec had exploded into her life, she’d had something of a crush on him. Harmless, because not only did she know he was in love with Angelina, she didn’t want any kind of physical relationship with him...or any man. She just admired him tremendously. Tried to pattern herself after Alec’s moral strength and inner convictions, the same way she tried to pattern herself after her cousin.

But that’s not what she felt for Liam, and it disturbed her. Because what she felt wasn’t harmless. Or at least it wouldn’t be...if she was the kind of woman who could respond sexually to a man. If she could shed her past like a snake shedding its skin. If she didn’t cringe at a man’s touch.

Then she realized she was touching Liam...or he was touching her...and she wasn’t cringing. Wasn’t getting the choking, panicky feeling that usually overwhelmed her when a man got too close.