Page 69 of Inked Beasts


I turn and hold my finger to my lips as Lexy climbs from her car. Her expression is subdued, and it makes my stomach tense. Family dinners have become more of a duty than a joy since we went public, and I hate that, for all of us.

My hope is that today might go some small way toward mending the breach. The love and respect between the four of us and the Sanchezes is still there, so I know things will be okay eventually, but my need to take care of Lexy is strong. I want to fix this for her.

I meet her at the door, blocking her view of the living room with my body. “Hi. Come on in.” Her answering smile is wan, and I send up a silent prayer before I move aside, simultaneously turning the lights back on.

“Surprise!” everyone shouts. “Happy birthday!” Ava’s here, and Ember, and Brax, and Clare, along with other work colleagues and friends.

Lexy stares, genuinely shocked. And then her hand covers her mouth, and her eyes fill with tears.

“Oh, baby. Come here.” I pull her in and wrap my arms around her, cuddling her against my chest. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry,” she manages, her voice thick with emotion.

“Don’t be sorry. Just talk to me. What is it?” I’m pretty sure I know, but I need her to say it.

Still huddled against me, she whispers, “Do you think they’ll ever forgive me?”

My chest goes tight.

And then I snap.

I am normally the most patient of men, but I have had enough. Putting my arm around Lexy’s shoulders, I march her into the kitchen.

Mrs. Sanchez is there with Thorn, about to carry the last of the food trays into the living room. Mr. Sanchez has been tinkering in his garage all day, and has just come in the back door. He looks at Lexy, and his mouth tightens.

I pull out a chair at the table and usher Lexy into it. “Talk to her,” I order the couple. “Now.”

Mrs. Sanchez is staring at me. I take the tray from her hands and go back to the living room.

Thorn follows me. “Good for you,” he sayssotto voce.

I hope I’ve done the right thing, and not made it all worse.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gage lose his temper before, not really. And sure, he lost it in a very contained Gage sort of way, but that doesn’t lessen the impact. When the ultimate good son—and my parents do consider him to be their son, too—starts kicking ass and taking names, it demands attention.

Resisting the strong temptation to stand at the kitchen door and eavesdrop, I turn to the guests, who look worried, even shocked. “We’ll get started in a minute,” I tell them quietly. “Have some snacks and drinks in the meantime. What can I get everybody?”

Thorn starts listing the many choices on the table, making chips and dip sound like the ultimate haute cuisine. Of course, he made the dip, so it’ll be spectacular, but his over-the-top descriptions of the food get everyone chuckling, and the mood in the room lightens considerably.

The three of us get everyone loaded up with food and beverages, though I have one ear cocked in the direction of the kitchen at all times, ready to charge in there if it sounds like things are going to hell. So far, all I can hear is the quiet murmur of voices. I love my parents, but if they hurt Lexy I swear I will yell at them—which, for all my impatient ways, I have never done.

Gage gets the music going, and he and Thorn start circulating among the guests, keeping everyone chatting and distracted from what’s going on in the next room. I need to do that too, but I can’t tear myself away from the vicinity of the kitchen, so I talk to everyone near me in short bursts, then stop to listen.

So far, so good. I take a deep breath and force myself to relax, knowing that will help everyone around me dial it down a notch as well. Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it.

I hear chairs scrape, and risk a peek into the kitchen. Lexy and my parents are in a three-way hug; I hope to fuck that’s as good a sign as it looks like. A few seconds later, Lexy emerges from the kitchen, and I wrap her up in a bear hug because fuck, I need one.

After a long moment, I ease back and look down at her. “You okay?”

She’s been crying, but she nods and smiles. “Everything’s okay now.”

My parents still haven’t come out from the kitchen, so I’m skeptical, but now is not the time to probe. “Have some food. You want some of Thorn’s Miracle Dip? Not to be confused with Miracle Whip; that stuff is nasty. His dip, however, is—” I look around and lower my voice “—almost as delicious as you are.”

Lexy blushes and makes bigHush your mouth!eyes at me. I just grin and start loading up a plate for her.