Page 33 of Inked Beasts

She looks thoughtful before answering. “It’s definitely strange being back. I never imagined that I would be. But then this Las Vegas is very different from where we grew up, isn’t it?” She gestures at our surroundings, much more opulent than our childhood neighborhood, which could truly be described as humble.

“It is,” I agree. “How did you like living in Atlanta?” As soon as I ask, I wish I hadn’t. I don’t want Lexy thinking about where she’s been; I want her to stay here.

“It was nice. Parts of it.” She shrugs and returns her focus to the food, which is nearly gone.

It’s a conversational dead end, and though there are hundreds of things I’d like to ask her, most of my questions would give away far too much about how I’ve always felt about her. A fresh start will be a better approach.

“Would you like dessert?” I ask, rising from my seat.

Her eyes widen. “Oh, I’ll bet that’s incredible, too, but I probably shouldn’t.” She slides her chair back and lays her hand on her stomach, mimicking my gesture from earlier. “I guess I’d better keep in shape, too.”

I let my eyes skim her body, slowly and obviously this time, unlike the covert glances I’ve been stealing. “Your shape is absolutely perfect.”

Though her cheeks redden again, and I can tell she’s flustered, she doesn’t look away as I smile at her.

Maybe Gage was right. Even though my brother’s laid a claim on her, maybe there’s room for other possibilities.


Though I’m more excited than ever about working here at Belle Epoque, it’s hard to focus on my new job after Thorn leaves.

He’s just so … grown up.

And though I see elements of Kai in him, he’s definitely his own man. Not as direct as his older brother, maybe even a bit guarded, but much more charming.

The food he brought really got me in the feels, more than he knows. I’m so flattered that he remembered the lunch the two of us shared, after all these years, and if I’m not mistaken, preparing that exact meal for me today was more than a sentimental gesture.

He’s a flirt. A masterful one.

I can’t help but wonder if he charms everyone like that.

When he made the comment about my body, I had an impulse to tell him that I’m involved with Kai and Gage, but then I remembered that I’m living in a fantasyland, one where I have multiple boyfriends who don’t mind sharing me.

Of course, I know they’re not actually my boyfriends, and none of this is a permanent reality, so I think it’s okay if I flirt back with Thorn. It’d be hard not to.

I just need to keep things honest with each of them. If Thorn continues to flirt, I’ll tell him about Gage. Kai made things obvious the other day, so I’m sure Thorn knows about that, but in case he doesn’t, I’ll talk to him about Kai, too.

What a strange parallel universe I’m living in.

* * *

Later in the afternoon, I go back to my room to retrieve the keys Gage gave me. The car that’s parked where he told me to find his looks exactly the same as the car he’d been driving yesterday.

The interior smells like Gage, stirring up memories of last night, and what it felt like to wake up in his arms.

My desire to be in his arms again is palpable.

Looking around inside, I’m pretty positive thisisthe exact same car I was in with him, and I’m exasperated that he would give up his own car for me. He must have paid for a ride home this morning or called a friend to pick him up, and I need to find out if he actually does have something else to drive. If not, I’m definitely giving his keys back, no matter what he says.

This was very gallant of him, but I can’t let him put himself out for me. Fantasyland depends on everything staying lighthearted, emotionally-charged nighttime encounters notwithstanding.

Though there are nicer places to shop, I head for the mall we used to go to when I was young.

Many of the smaller stores there are different now, but all but one of the main department store anchors are still in business. Though we sometimes browsed in those and took advantage of an occasional sale, the majority of my childhood clothing came from bargain retailers and thrift stores.

Today, it feels like an achievement to look through the racks at the most upscale of the stores and not worry too much about the prices. I’m not wealthy by any means, and my life is currently in a state of limbo, but I’ve come a long way, and I’m proud of the hard work I put in to get here.

Shopping is always a great distraction, but even now, I can’t get the men out of my head. As I try on outfits, I can’t help but wonder what Gage would think of a certain blouse, or Kai a skirt. Thorn is probably the one who’ll see me most often in my work clothes, and he’s definitely on my mind as well.