I look down, my cheeks flushing as I realize I almost tripped over the edge without his permission. He goaded me into it, really, but that’s no excuse.
Blinking once, I give a guilty lick of my lips.
With his thumb slick from the dripping juices of my cunt, Griffin strokes a line up my clit.
“You can come now,” he teases. “But you must do it quietly, or I will gag that pretty little mouth.”
I keep the pout from my lips. If I am gagged, I won’t be able to suck the thick cock lurking inside his leather pants.
“I'll be quiet,” I promise.
The look in his eyes offers its own promise—he won’t make it easy for me to keep my word.
Griffin teases me with his own loud moans and sighs as his mouth returns to my clit. His lips form a seal around the tender spine. With his tongue firmly stroking against the metal clip, his throaty noises and their vibrations claw at my willpower.
The little curling, two-fingered caresses inside my pussy threaten to be my undoing. Then the plug starts sliding in and out of my ass. Whenever the toy leaves me, Griffin’s mouth breaks contact with my flesh.
He sucks air in each time his lips part from my labia, his desperate, erotic gasps fueling even louder moans against my clit when he reforms the seal and simultaneously thrusts the plug back into me.
Fuck, oh fuck!
I mewl. I whimper. My lips press tightly together in an attempt to mute both sounds. I breathe through my nose, the passion whipping through me forcing smaller and smaller intakes of air until I can no longer draw breath, my body frozen tight but for its violent trembling.
I explode against his mouth. His tongue drops to catch the pleasure squirting from me. He swallows, sucks, gulps, his hands and tongue unrelenting until only the cuffs on my wrists hold my body upright.
Head rolled back, eyes closed, I twitch from my hands suspended above me down to my manacled feet.
Griffin drags the pads of his fingers on the inside of my thighs until the twitching stops. Then he detaches the spreader bar and removes the ankle cuffs. He brings my legs together, forcing me to support my weight.
Returning to the trolley, he palms the nipple clamps. Using my robe’s sash, he ties the bulk of the fabric behind me before he tests the readiness of my nipples.
Squirming, I bite at my lip. I love the clamps, love the way they supercharge the sensitivity of my flesh. More than that, I love Griffin’s gentle sucking of the nipples after he removes the clamps. I could have him suckle there for hours, his cock rock hard inside me, the gentlest of movements sending shockwaves of pleasure through my entire body.
Nuzzling my neck, Griffin inhales deeply. “I love you, Kate.”
I mirror the sentiment in a tight whisper.
Dipping his head, he sucks one nipple into his mouth in preparation of the clamp. I melt at the contact. My knees bend as weakness washes through me.
Griffin releases the swollen tip with a gentle slurp. His hands go to work on securing the clamp to my flesh. He repeats the process with the second clamp. Even with my feet on the ground and my arms secured above my head, I am floating.
The clamps in place, Griffin presses his body against mine and wraps one strong arm around the small of my back. “Flying already, love?”
I manage a brief nod, only vaguely aware of his words or their meaning.
He reaches his other arm up and unhooks the wrist restraints from the suspension beam. I collapse against him, a small victorious smile lifting my lips.
I have earned my reward. The thick cock pressing against my lower stomach will soon be stretching my lips and challenging my throat to swallow the fat tip.
He carries me to the bed, a few pillows already arranged near the center so that my torso drapes over them and my ass is thrusting upward. He pulls the rolling cabinet closer then spreads my legs, everything from the knee down off the mattress and Griffin’s body filling the space between.
With a sweet, aching slowness, he removes the plug. I feel the mattress shift as he leans his weight on it. He palms my ass cheeks, separates them, exposing all of my sex to his view. He takes a soft bite of my fleshy buttock then licks the spot. From there, his tongue travels the perineum, where he licks and nuzzles his way to my anus.
My body stays stiff until his tongue reaches the outer rim of my sphincter. I jerk, a fresh burn of need heating my skin. Griffin knowingly drives me crazy when he does this. His nose brushes against the tight hole. I groan into the mattress. The experience is beyond intimate, beyond merely accepting. I will deny him no part of my body and he wants it all.
Feeling the soft fuck of his tongue against the hole, I jerk and groan louder. My pussy clenches in time with his repeated shallow intrusions. Damn, he could make me come with just that gentle pressure, the muscles of my entire pelvic floor knotting with intense delight. He takes up a soft, teasing rhythm, his thumbs alternating between a gentle and rough manipulation of my sphincter while his tongue dips and retreats, dips and retreats.
There are no restrictions on my orgasm when he does this. Griffin knows I cannot control myself when he teases this part of my body. I draw my cuffed hands closer to my chest. My body follows his rhythm, hips lifting, prodding, a little jackrabbit of urgency and then a tremor rolls through me and I collapse onto the pillows.