Page 7 of Seven Nights

Taking a deep breath, I re-read the Scope of Services paragraph. I exhale, the paper shaking in my hand as the heat of a full-body blush rampages across my flesh. Whatever, whenever is no exaggeration. In terms of sexual submission, nothing is excluded. To earn the fifty thousand dollars, I will have to comply with his every desire and keep my mouth shut about it forever after.

Otherwise, I can use a safe word and leave with a paltry thousand dollars, the secrecy clause still binding.

How is it that I haven’t tried to punch the smug look off this man’s face?

Maybe it’s because I’ve barely glanced at his head since my arrival. My eyes keep stalling at his naked torso, the immaculately sculpted chest and arms coated with perspiration from the workout that ended with my appearance outside his home office.

Hearing the creak of his chair, I glance over to find Montgomery leaning forward, his elbows resting atop the desk’s polished surface.

“Stop pretending you're offended and sign it, Katelyn.”

I glare at him, my gaze bouncing off his nose to land on his ear because the blue eyes make me uncomfortable and I don’t want to stray anywhere near them.

“I am,” I growl.

“Liar,” he smirks. “You've been too busy ogling my chest to be offended.”

He runs a hand over his torso, drawing my focus to a drop of sweat beading at the tip of one small, hard nipple. The bead breaks. Moisture streaks down his tanned skin.

“Which is hardly fair,” he purrs, “given the way you're all buttoned up.”

His voice catches, the sudden hitch forcing my attention to his face. His gaze points directly at my nipples. They have puckered inside my blouse as I read the contract. The graphic terms mixed with subtler phrasing has caused more than just my breasts to ache.

I only hurt harder when he traps the edge of his bottom lip between his teeth and continues staring, his nostrils subtly flaring. I shield my chest with the contract, the shake in my hands restarting so that the paper flutters against the fabric of my blouse. Feeling its soft staccato beat against the sensitive tips, I bite down on a moan threatening to erupt.

His gaze slowly inches up until he is looking at me with the most sexually intense expression I have ever seen. Skin flushing hotter, I slap the contract on his desk.

“I'm leaving.”

Montgomery shakes his head, uncoils from his chair and rounds the desk. Hyper aware, I hear the fall of each step it takes for him to reach my side.


He grasps my upper arm and lightly squeezes.

“Breathe, baby.”

Realizing I stopped taking in air the second he stood up, I suck in some oxygen.

“That's my girl.”

Mesmerized by the contact, I nod, catch myself halfway and stop. I am not his girl, will never be his girl. He only wants a week with me. And some of the things under his “scope of services” cannot be pleasurable. This is all just a sick game to him. Get me to sign a contract that will erase my perilous financial situation, then force me to break the contract and walk away all but empty handed.

I suck in another breath, surprised at the sudden pain in my chest. I don’t care how much time Montgomery wants with me, he’s not getting another second!

At least, not another second after my muscles unknot and I can get up from the chair.

“I heard you broke the mugger’s nose and wouldn’t let the cops drop you off anywhere,” he murmurs, one of his fingers surfing up the curve of my neck and into my hair.

He frees one of the pins I used to bind it into an updo. His fingers move in search of another pin. My muscles refuse to unlock. I am a small animal ensnared in a trap, my body trembling as I try to decide which limb to chew off.

“Tell me, Kate,” he murmurs, finding the second pin. “Did you find yourself sexually aroused from the robbery attempt? They said he was a big man.”

My feet press at the floor. My legs push as my hands tighten around the chair’s armrests as an upward brace.

He counters me with nothing more than a word, firmly delivered. Not a shout, not a whisper—it stops me all the same.

“No.” He grips the armrest, his weight pressing down as he brings his face within inches of mine. “I doubt you qualified to be an Olympian without knowing about the mechanics of your body.”