Not with those words, at least.
“Didn't realize you were a fan,” I offer and start to pull my leg back.
His grip tightens, the strength exerted enough to encourage my compliance, but not enough to hurt or frighten me.
At least not yet.
“You need a good fifteen minutes of icing,” he warns, but lets go of my leg so he can push the intercom button that connects to the driver. He rattles off my address then cuts a look in my direction without turning to face me.
The side of his mouth visible to me is lifted in a smile, the expression extending up to where his eye crinkles at its corner.
“Correct?” he asks.
“Yes.” My stomach flips nervously until I remember Montgomery is rumored to have nearly perfect recall. So it shouldn't be the least bit creepy—or flattering—that he memorized my address. With a brain like his, he need only have seen it once.
He turns his interest back to me and my swollen ankle. I smile before trying to steer the conversation where I want it to go.
“Mr. Montgomery, about the posi—”
“Griffin,” he reminds me.
His hand slides a little higher up my calf as he carefully angles the leg to inspect the swelling. A fast healer, my flesh is already responding favorably to the ice.
“That job is filled,” he repeats. “But I have other positions for you.”
The way Montgomery’s voice drops at the end, I am certain he is propositioning me. At least I think he is. Perhaps I am not immune to the constant barrage of headlines that have filled the news this year, the tsunami of articles calling out powerful men for their predatory sexual behavior infecting my subconscious with an unwarranted paranoia.
It has been a hellish day. I’m tired, hungry and injured. I no doubt look like what the cat refused to drag in. This is no #metoo event in the making. I have actually been there with my last job. I know what it’s like. This is not that. This is my imagination, maybe even my desire if I am being honest with myself.
Montgomery stares at me. Ice blue, the eyes would be merciless in a boardroom. In the back of his limo, they smolder. The dark, expressive brows and thick lashes forge their heat into a fuck-me command.
Just like that, need pools between my thighs, a sudden high volume of moisture seeping from my hot interior. I shake my head, tell myself again that I am only projecting onto him my own unexpected but intense attraction.
“Wh…what positions?” I ask.
Dropping the ice onto a side tray, Montgomery leans closer. His arm stretches along the top of the seat. He captures a thick lock of my hair and pulls it forward to conceal half my face—like putting blinders on a skittish mare. Then he turns the full attention of his hands to my flesh.
His calloused fingertips surf up the inside of my lower leg. Thrill and dread follow in the wake of his touch.
“Twenty-eight is far too old to be naïve, Katelyn.” The raw baritone slams into my gut with its heavy weight. “You're a beautiful woman with exactly the kind of stamina I need in a lover.”
His hand moves under the skirt, slowly making its way up my thigh. The journey complete, Montgomery boldly brushes the gusset of my panties.
The telltale wetness exposes my arousal. Accompanying an arched brow, the right side of his mouth lifts in a sensual smirk. He finds the edge of the panel and pushes the fabric aside. Parting the soft hairs of my sex, he runs his fingers against the seal of my labia.
My shocked gasp disintegrates into a needy moan. My body doesn’t care if my mind is screaming for a retreat. My legs shift to offer him greater access.
Montgomery draws his bottom lip in, the flesh re-emerging slick and red. He slides closer, his free hand pushing the skirt higher to completely expose my thighs.
This time I try to wiggle away.
“You're not going anywhere,” he orders. “Not when you're wet enough to drink from.”
Pinning the bottom panel of my underwear to the side with one thumb, he spreads my swollen outer labia. The inner petals glisten beneath a thick layer of moisture.
He licks his lips, the gesture slow and mesmerizing. My attention zips between his flickering gaze and the two fingers that push inexorably into my pussy. I am hot and drenched as he inhales sharply and nails me with that ice blue stare.
“I could take you now.”