As if I could forget.
“You will behave yourself in all ways, pet. This is still my pussy, no matter how bored you get convalescing.”
Feeling a full-body blush erupt, I close my eyes.
“Answer me, pet.”
That isn’t good enough for him. He curls a finger under the gusset of my panties to find me slick and hot between my labia. “What was that, pet?”
“Yes, sir,” I answer. “It's your pussy. I won't touch it.”
He bends and sweeps a last kiss across my mouth, the intimacy over before I can open my eyes.
On the first official check-in,Harriet brings me more ice, some food and magazines. She apologizes sweetly if the content (home and auto) is not to my taste. She offers to search the library for titles if I have something in mind, but I have already been in the library and know it is not meant for readers.
“I suppose you have a reading app on your phone?” she ventures.
I nod. It is the truth, but it’s also a lie because I didn’t replace my broken cell phone before my arrival at the estate. Even if I had, the terms of the contract preclude my having any type of camera with me, including those found on modern phones and tablets.
Either that rule doesn’t apply to all of Griffin’s fuck dolls or Harriet hasn’t noticed the absence of cell phones in the past.
Lie or truth, she leaves me to my meal and I pass the next two hours alone.
The pattern repeats several times—a snack or meal, another ice pack, and, as the day wears on, a notepad and an assortment of pens and pencils. When eight at night comes and goes, I wonder if Harriet’s face is the only one I’ll see for the rest of the day.
I look up where the camera should be for the first time since Griffin left the room. Reaching for the cane alongside my bed, my gaze narrows. If Harriet is going to be running around like a nanny every two hours through the night, I am not about to page that sweet woman to help me to the shower.
And a shower is most definitely in order.
Leveraging off the cane, I stand and hobble toward the bathroom door. My ankle feels well enough I could go without the cane, but the accessory helps anchor my head to the floor.
Inside the bathroom, I contemplate the lock for half a second then leave it unsecured. Just walking across the room alone was an act of disobedience. I don’t feel like giving Griffin another push—unless it’s off a cliff.
Plus, the way my head lightly seesaws as I walk, leaving the door unlocked is prudent.
I place the clicker and the cane within arm’s reach of the shower. Resting a shoulder against one wall, I turn the water on, letting it heat as I disrobe, my eyes closed to stop the room from wobbling.
When I open them again, there is six-plus feet of angry male staring down at me. With a nervous lick of my lips, I start to push off from the wall. Griffin presses the tip of his index finger against my chest. It is all the force he needs in my present state to keep me pinned in place.
“My ankle is fine,” I say.
“Your head is not.” He pulls his hand away and strips until he is wearing nothing but that pissed off look.
This is the first time I have seen him naked but unaroused. Normally I would argue that a flaccid penis is nothing I want to look at. But Griffin’s is more meat than skin. The cock is thick and long even when it is at rest.
I grin. The expression probably looks as intoxicated as it feels.
Now if I can just get him to turn around. His ass looks great in pants, but I’ve yet to see him naked from behind—just shirtless.
“Behave,” he growls.
Opening the shower door, he guides me inside and maneuvers my body until my back is against the cold tile. With flesh bumps racing across my skin, I shoot Griffin a disapproving look while his attention is fixed on detaching the showerhead from its hook.
Switching the water flow to a gentle mist, he runs it over my body. When I yelp at the squirt of near-arctic body wash against my torso, a small smile replaces the grim line of his mouth. Then his hands land on my breasts and it is my own smile I have to worry about as he builds a rich lather.